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A library for making complex tracking & analytics easier.

Upgrading from 0.x

  • All data-track- attributes are now data-atrackt-
  • .bind is now .setEvent
  • .setGlobalData is now .setData
  • data-trackt-function now only accepts 2 arguments (data & options). use this to access the element


Quick Usage

  • Load the atrackt core library & any plugin(s)
    • <script src="/lib/atrackt.js"></script>
    • <script src="/lib/plugins/atrackt.omniture.js"></script>
  • Bind something to track
  click: 'a, button'
That's it. When any any button or anchor is clicked on, it will be tracked with omniture.


A note on all methods... methods called on Atrackt are consider global, and will include all registered plugins. To target a plugin directly, you can access it through the plugins object.
  click: 'a.omniture'


The setEvent method accepts a custom event object which uses the event name as the key, and a css selector, jquery object, or html node as the value.

  click: '.css-selector'
  mouseenter: $('.jquery-object')
  customevent: document.querySelector('.html-node')

You can also pass in an array of multiple object types

  click: [ '.css-selector', $('.jquery-object'), document.querySelector('.html-node') ]


You can add data globally that will always be included with every tracking call using setData.

  foo: 'bar'


You can add options globally that will always be included with every tracking call using setOptions.

  foo: 'bar'


Callbacks can be run before or after a tracking call is made. You must specify before or after, along with a function that will be run. Callbacks accepts 2 arguments, 1 for data, and 1 for options. In before callbacks, you can alter those objects and they will be tracked.

Atrackt.setCallback 'before', (data, options) -> = 'bar' = 'bar'


Instead of binding elements to events, you can track data directly. This is helpful for tracking different states of your app.

You can track standard javascript objects, jquery objects, or html nodes.

The track method accepts 2 methods, data & options

  fooData: 'bar'
  fooOption: 'bar'

Element Tracking

When an element is tracked, there are several basic values that are included. See more information about each value below.

  • _categories represent an elements virtual position on the page
  • _location represents the page that tracking events come from
  • _value represents an elements unique value
  • _event type of event (if triggered by an event)


It traverses the dom from the element and collects data along the way, in reverse order. Specifically any parent element with the data-atrackt-category value set (including the element itself).

  • In the example below, if the a element is tracked, the value for categories would be an array of [ 'one', 'two', 'three' ]
<div data-atrackt-category='one'>
  <div data-atrackt-category='two'>
    <a data-atrackt-category='three'></a>


It will track the first value it finds from the following:

  • $('body').data('atrackt-location') Data attribute on the body
  • $(document).attr('title') The standard page title
  • document.URL The page URL


  • data-atrackt-value A custom value to explicitly set
  • val The value (if a form element)
  • title The value of the title attribute
  • name The value of the name attribute
  • text The text value of the element. This contains only text and will not include any HTML.
  • id The value of the id attribute
  • class The value of the class attribute


If triggered by an event, this value will be the name of the event (eg click, mouseenter, etc)

Custom Function

On a per-element basis, you can add a custom function to the the data-atrackt-function data attribute that will be called each time that element is tracked. The function accepts 2 arguments, 1 for data, and 1 for options. You can alter those objects before they are tracked.

$('a#foo').data 'atrackt-function', (data, options) ->
  if options.hasColor
    data.color = $(@).css('color')
    data.color = 'none'

Creating Plugins

Creating new plugins for Atrackt is very simple. At the bare minimum, you need a name, and a send method. The send method is where all of the plugin logic should live to interact with whatever tracking strategy you are using. Look at the source of the included plugins for better examples.

Call setPlugin to quickly register a custom plugin.

The minimum a plugin needs is a send method. This is a function that accepts the tracking object, and any additional options as an argument. You can do additional processing on the object and pass it wherever you need to track it.


Atrackt.setPlugin 'testPlugin',
  send: (data, options) ->
    # do stuff


To better visualize what dom elements you are tracking, you can load the atrackt console. When the console is loaded, no actual tracking calls will be made. Instead the data that would normally be passed to the plugins will be logged to the console to help with debugging.

  • Load the atrackt.console library after the atrackt core library
    • <script src="/lib/atrackt.js"></script>
    • <script src="/lib/atrackt.console.js"></script>
  • Visit the page with ?atracktConsole at the end of thr URL

You should see a console show up at the top of your page that shows all the elements currently bound to events to be tracked. When new elements are bound, the console will update.


Sometimes elements you want to track get loaded asynchronously after page load. Modern browsers support Mutation Observers which you can tap into to make sure new elements you want to track, are automatically bound when they are added. This code is not included in atrackt, but below is a simple example.

# create a method that can be run on mutations
# do not worry about checking for only added nodes, or making sure elements do not get bound multiple times.
# atrackt will prevent duplicates, and not checked for added nodes is much more performant.
do attachEvents = ->
    click: ['a', 'button', '.atrackt-click']
    change: ['select']

# create an observer that calls your method
observe = ->
  observer = new MutationObserver (mutations) ->
    window.requestAnimationFrame ->

  observer.observe document.body,
    childList: true
    subtree: true    

# when the dom is loaded, initialize your observer
document.addEventListener 'DOMContentLoaded', ->


Download the project and open demo/index.html in your browser for a simple demo. Make sure to include ?atracktConsole in the url if you want to use the console.


Dependencies are managed with Yarn

yarn              # install dependencies
yarn exec testem  # compile assets & run tests

Do NOT modify any .js files! Modify the coffee files in the src directory. Testem will watch for changes and compile them to the lib directory.


  • easily include extra data for both elements and objects (via js w/out atrackt-function)
  • easily include/change data for tracking objects (via js w/out atrackt-function)
  • allow setting data and event via Atrackt.track
  • rename location to title
  • rename categories to location


A library for making complex tracking & analytics easier







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