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Watanabe Akaike information criterion (WAIC)
brian-lau edited this page Sep 28, 2014
6 revisions
Waic examples from Vehtari & Gelman 2014.
Forecasting elections from the economy:
y = [44.6 57.76 49.91 61.34 49.60 61.79 48.95 44.70 59.17 53.94...
46.55 54.74 50.27 51.24 46.32]';
growth = [2.4 2.89 .85 4.21 3.02 3.62 1.08 -.39 3.86 2.27 .38 ...
1.04 2.36 1.72 .1]';
X = [ones(size(y)) , growth];
model = {
'data {'
' int N;'
' int J;'
' vector[N] y;'
' matrix[N,J] X;'
'parameters {'
' vector[J] b;'
' real<lower=0> sigma;'
'model {'
' y ~ normal(X*b, sigma); // data model'
' increment_log_prob(-log(sigma)); // log prior for p(sigma) propto 1/sigma'
'generated quantities {'
' vector[N] log_lik;'
' for (n in 1:N){'
' log_lik[n] <- normal_log(y[n], X[n]*b, sigma);'
' }'
data = struct('N',numel(y),'J',size(X,2),'X',X,'y',y);
hibbs_fit = stan('model_code',model,'data',data,'verbose',true);
log_lik = hibbs_fit.extract.log_lik;
Scaled eight schools:
schools_code = {
'data {'
' int J;'
' vector[J] y;vector<lower=0>[J] sigma;'
'parameters {'
' real mu;'
' real<lower=0> tau;'
' vector[J] eta;'
'transformed parameters {'
' vector[J] theta;'
' theta <- mu + tau*eta;'
'model {'
' eta ~ normal(0, 1);'
' y ~ normal(theta, sigma);'
'generated quantities {'
' vector[J] log_lik;'
' for (j in 1:J){'
' log_lik[j] <- normal_log(y[j], theta[j], sigma[j]);'
' }'
schools_dat = struct('J',8,...
'y',[28 8 -3 7 -1 1 18 12],...
'sigma',[15 10 16 11 9 11 10 18]);
schools_fit = stan('model_code',schools_code,'data',schools_dat,'verbose',true);
log_lik = schools_fit.extract.log_lik;
% Scale data
schools_dat = struct('J',8,...
'y',5*[28 8 -3 7 -1 1 18 12],...
'sigma',[15 10 16 11 9 11 10 18]);
schools_fit2 = stan('fit',schools_fit,'data',schools_dat,'verbose',true);
log_lik = schools_fit2.extract.log_lik;