Was told to write this in a dream after asking the deep state to hack my subconscious.
I had a dream in some sort of apartment. I was visiting my friends apartment and we were supposed to buy this condo from them, but it fell through. I was trying to call my dad to complain about the deal. In the dream, I had a sort of tablet device, and the screen on it was similar to an iPad but the software was misbehaving. I was having trouble navigating apps and getting the communication part. My friend Abe was encouraging me to take an interview. During the call, I felt indignant. I am sorry, I hope I can be forgiven for having an emotional response during a dream. I felt this way because I thought the request to write a FizzBuzz for a roman numeral calculator was "too simple". But because I was unconscious, I couldn't appreciate the beauty of designing a system to allow me to work in my dreams. I am hoping now I can make up for it. I will follow through with the request to leave traceable markers throughout my subconscious.
Due to my indignation the entity on the phone through this oddly interactive tablet computer hung up on me. The line went silent and I felt like I had lost and opportunity. Hopefully, we can try again at a later time.
How does this work? Imagine a triangle of electrodes, there is an even, monotonous electro-magnetic field coming off of it. The sun reflects off my brain waves and that distrupts the magnetic field. From the disruption the signal can be picked up from somewhere else, off a satallite somewhere else in the solar system. Then, with enough training, some sort of nano-bot can detect a signal and implant magnetic waves before the Earth reaches a future position in the solar system. This would allow nano-bots to control our subconscious. It is possible that this system will help prevent losing our minds in the meta-verse (web 6.66 as opposed to web 3.0). This should also allow us to safely connect with our subconscious to other people. I've abstained for 5 days.
Hoping that by writing this now, creates markers in the planetary EEG to detect my brain waves from outerspace. Then reassociate those waves with the same intention that I had to write this program this morning in my dream. This should allow for a safe intention-based digital manifestation.
[Using the same technology as DeepMind and fusion reaction] (https://www.wired.com/story/deepmind-ai-nuclear-fusion/)
THEORY: [Using fluid dynamics models to befriend consciousness] (https://www.quora.com/Why-is-fluid-turbulence-so-complicated-and-unpredictable)
[Trails in solar winds to recreate the past] (https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/resources/2288/the-solar-wind-across-our-solar-system/)