...implements MetaWeblog in a simple Sinatra app. It uses Haml and DataMapper and is all set to be deployed on Heroku. I built it to power a blog which I'll write one day.
git clone [email protected]:brianflanagan/Adams.git
cd Adams
Shotgun it:
bundle exec shotgun config.ru
or start Thin:
bundle exec thin start
Now in MarsEdit, or the MetaWeblog-enabled blogging application of your choice, point the API endpoint to
(or 3000
if you're running via Thin). Publish a post in MarsEdit, and, in your browser, head to
(or 3000
if you're running via Thin). See your post?
That's kablamo.
What you should is this:
git remote rm origin
git remote add origin [email protected]:MyName/MyBlogApp.git
git push origin master
Go nuts. The app as-is does very little. Add pagination? Show the most recent posts on the index page? Maybe categories or tags? This is all gold; write this down.
At the very least edit configuration.yml
to reflect your personal values. (And please, please change the password.)
The front-end app is called Clover
and it lives in the apps
folder. The haml files are in the views
folder. There's a public folder. You know what to do with that?
You can run the cukes thusly:
bundle exec cucumber
Are there any specs? No, there are not. Should you write some to test the MetaWeblog API endpoint? Yep.
Deploy it where you like. But why not Heroku?
heroku create myblogapp
git push heroku master
You changed the username/password combo in configuration.yml
, right?