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YADRLite is a collection of my personal streamlined dotfiles with influence from YADR.

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This repository is a collection of tools that I use in my workflow.

Credit: This dotfile repo is heavily based on YADR, a solid dotfile package created by Yan Pritzker and worked on by several others. This is not intended to be a fork of YADR. At the same time, I take no credit here, either. This is just a personal collection of settings from YADR trimmed down considerably for speed and portability.

Check out the original repo, YADR, especially if you work in Python or Ruby.

Also, check out LazyVIM! Recently, I loaded a large project into VSCode, and the editor started stuttering to an unusable state. As a recent convert from Emacs, I had spent three days setting the thing up and making friends with it. VSCode was a real disappointment.

Initially, I found myself disenchanted with broken Emacs plugins. Finally, I was tired of trying to fix them and just moved on. Then, after all the pain, I stumbled onto LazyVIM. With this package, I can't tell you how amazing NeoVIM is as an IDE. So please do yourself a favor and check it out. Under the workstation directory, you'll find an example of my setup using great plugins like Grammarly and VSCode-php-debug. IMHO, the neovim dap interface is much, much nicer than VSCode's implementation. For one thing, you can actually read the variable scope.

index: Emacs, Tmux, Vim, and Kitty

Dotfiles Installation

Requirements: git

bash -c "`curl -fsSL`"


bash ~/.yadrlite/setup update

Uninstall and Restore to Prior Configuration:

bash ~/.yadrlite/setup remove

To install this Emacs configuration without the rest of YADRLite:

curl > ~/.emacs

My Workstation

Arch workstation

curl > ~/install

Run as root...

bash install <username>

What's Included:

Workstation shortcuts have been pulled over from YADR, so those working with YADR should feel right at home. There are a few minor changes and additions. However, a LOT may be missing. This package is geared towards PHP development on local staging environments and setting up shop on web servers for emergencies with limited permissions. The idea is here that the package should be easy to remove while restoring the system to prior user configurations.

As with YADR, most of the key mapping not mentioned below can be found in the settings directory for reference. This package is ready for deployment on most Linux distros and MacOS.

Vim / Tmux



Requirements: Emacs 27.2+ w/ Lua support

Suggested: Silver Searcher

Emacs has a huge performance advantage over Vi. This configuration includes the Evil package, which emulates Vim's modal functionality. In Evil mode Emacs shares keybindings familiar to the YADR package. Switching between Emacs and Evil mode is done by C-z. There is inline documentation with live hints for ease of discovery. After entering Emacs, just hit the leader key (,) to get started. Hit the leader key twice for a fuzzy command search.

NOTE: I have some personal concerns about Emacs 28's performance. However, I'm excited about the new developments in 29. Therefore, I would strongly suggest sticking with version 27 for now. If your distro doesn't have it, there are compilation examples in each workstation script.

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Emacs Shortcuts

The General plugin has been included with this Emacs configuration. There is no need to hold the comma down (the leader key borrowed from YADR) before pressing the next key. The following shortcuts can be typed concurrently in the order presented, which is a friendly alternative to the Emacs Pinky.

Single Key Shortcuts:

  • ,,: Search for a command, M-X equivalent
  • ,;: Comment or uncomment code blocks
  • ,[: Contract vertically split Window
  • ,]: Expand vertically split Window
  • ,-: Shrink horizontally split window
  • ,=: Grow hoizontally split window
  • ,e: Toggle Error List
  • ,h: View Dashboard
  • ,jx: Jump to character x
  • ,m: Browse current directory wth Ranger
  • ,n: Browse current directory with Nerdtree
  • ,q: Quit current buffer m
  • :q: or :q! Quit current buffer, Note: all standard VIM controls apply
  • ,Q: Close Emacs
  • ,x: Cycle to next buffer
  • ,z: Cycle to previous buffer
  • ,U: Update All Packages
  • ,/: Search current project

Emacs Applications:

  • ,ai: Open IRC
  • ,at: Open a terminal
  • ,am: Open Mu4e for Email
  • ,aw: Browse the web from Emacs

Buffer Shortcuts:

  • ,bb: List/Create buffers
  • ,bc: Copy File Path
  • ,bf: Open File
  • ,bn: Craete New Buffer
  • ,bp: Find File in Project
  • ,bq: Quit buffer
  • ,br: Refresh buffer
  • ,bs: Save buffer
  • :w: Save buffer, VIM equivalent

Dap-Mode Shortcuts: e

  • ,da: Delete all breakpoints
  • ,db: Toggles breakpoint on current line
  • ,dc: Continue to next breakpoint
  • ,dd: Start debugger
  • ,di: Step into
  • ,dl: List all breakpoints
  • ,dn: Next line
  • ,do: Step out
  • ,dp: Install vscode-php-debug plugin
  • ,dv: View context
  • ,dx: Stop Debugger


  • ,fd: Find Definitions to hovered function
  • ,fD: Find in Current Buffer's Directory Recursively
  • ,ff: Resume Last Find
  • ,fi: Find Implementation
  • ,fm: Show quick menu of file definitions
  • ,fp: Find file in project
  • ,fr: Find References to hovered function
  • ,fs: Find Documentation

Grammer Shortcuts:

  • ,ga: See Antonyms
  • ,gs: View spelling errors
  • ,gc: Correct spelling of word under cursor
  • ,gd: See definition of word under cursor
  • ,gd: See related words for word under cursor
  • ,gt: See synonyms (thesaurus) of word under cursor

Line Shortcuts:

  • ,la: Artist mode, draw on screen with cursor
  • ,lc: Toggle HTML color codes
  • ,le: Encrypt selection
  • ,ld: Decrypt selection
  • ,li: Toggle aggressive indentation
  • ,ln: Toggle line numbers
  • ,lm: Toggle Line/Character mode
  • ,lr: Toggle relative line number display
  • ,ls: Delete trailing whitespaces
  • ,lt: Toggle PHP/Web mode highlighting
  • ,lw: Toggle line wrapping

Org-Mode Shortcuts:

  • ,oo: Agenda View, be sure to adjust position wth org-agenda-file-to-front
  • ,oa: Activate current line
  • ,od: Schedule deadline
  • ,oc: Recompute clock
  • ,ok: Schedule task
  • ,og: Set tag
  • ,ol: Display clocks
  • ,oj: Jump to running task
  • ,ot: Start task
  • ,or: Show report
  • ,os: Stop task
  • ,ox: Cancel clock

Project Shortcuts:

  • ,p[: Go to next change in file
  • ,p]: Go to previous change in file
  • ,pd: Search in directory
  • ,ph: History of buffer
  • ,pf: Fuzzy file finder (CtrlP)
  • ,pp: Resume previous search/filter
  • ,pr: Open recent project
  • ,ps: Search in current project
  • ,pm: Git status with Magit
  • ,pw: Swoop

Lisp Debugging Shortcuts:

  • ,sa: Evaluate statement
  • ,sb: Evaluate buffer
  • ,sc: Evaluate function
  • ,se: Evaluate and print statement
  • ,sf: Set breakpoint on function
  • ,sl: Load e-List file
  • ,sp: Compile File
  • ,ss: Open Lisp scratch pad
  • ,sv: Set breakpoint on variable
  • ,sw: Remove breakpoint from a variable
  • ,sx: Remove breakpoint from a function

Emacs Toggle Options:

  • ,tt: Toggle Dark/Light Theme

Window Shortcuts:

  • ,wd: Delete current window
  • ,wc: Delete all other windows except current window
  • ,wf: Toggle Emacs full screen
  • ,wh: Focus on window to left of current one
  • ,wj: Focus on window above current one
  • ,wk: Focus on window below current one
  • ,wl: Focus on window to right of current one
  • ,wH: Move current window left
  • ,wJ: Move current window up
  • ,wK: Move current window down
  • ,wL: Move current window right
  • ,wn: Switch screens
  • ,wo: Focus on next window
  • ,wp: Pop out current window to new screen
  • ,ws: Split window horizontally
  • ,wv: Split window vertically
  • ,wx: Close screen

Other Shortcuts:

  • <ctrl>-z: Toggles Emacs/Vim Mode
  • <ctrl>-x t: Tab Controls

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Requirements: Tmux

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Tmux Shortcuts

The leader key Ctrl-a can be followed by the next key concurrently without holding them all down at once. Use tmux lsto list the current open sessions and tmux a -t <session_no> to join them. Use tmux kill-session -t <session_no>: to remove one.

General Shortcuts:

  • Ctrl-a d: Detach from current session and close Tmux. Run tmux attach: to resume later.
  • Ctrl-a h: Focus on window left of the current one
  • Ctrl-a j: Focus on window above the current one
  • Ctrl-a k: Focus on window below the current one
  • Ctrl-a l: Focus on window right of the current one
  • Ctrl-a x: Kill current window pane
  • Ctrl-a H: Shift current window pane left
  • Ctrl-a J: Shift current window pane down
  • Ctrl-a K: Shift current window pane up
  • Ctrl-a L: Shift current window pane right
  • Ctrl-a Space: Toggle all windows horizontally/vertically equally
  • Ctrl-a s: Create new window horizontally below current one
  • Ctrl-a v: Create new window vertically to right of current one
  • Ctrl-a [: Enter Vim-like normal mode
  • Ctrl-a Ctrl-s, Ctrl-r: Saves and Restores Tmux Session

In visual mode use h,j,k,l to move, v to change to visual mode and y to yank selection. Press Enter to exit mode.


This configuration uses Vim-Plug. To initialize the plugins, enter Normal mode and type :PlugInstall. Similarly, you use :PlugUpdate to update your plugins.

Requirements: Vim w/ Lua support

Plugin Requirements: Composer, neovim, nodejs, Python 3+, Pynvim, Silver Searcher

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Vim Shortcuts

Window Navigation:

  • Cmd-[1-]: (Alt-[1-9]) switches to a specific tab number (like iTerm and Chrome) and tabs have been set up to show numbers
  • Ctrl-h,l,j,k: to move left, right, down, up between splits. This also works between vim and tmux splits thanks to vim-tmux-navigator.
  • Ctrl-w r: rotate windows around
  • vv: vertical split (Ctrl-w,v)
  • ss: horizontal split (Ctrl-w,s)
  • ,c: closes window only (Ctrl-w,c)
  • ,qo: open quickfix window (this is where output from Grep goes)
  • ,qc: close quickfix
  • Cmd-[Up,Down,Left,Right]: (Alt-[Up,Down,Left,Right]) increase hight, decrease height, contract window and expand window
  • =: make all windows equal size

Tab Navigation

  • Cmd-c: (Alt-c) create new tab
  • Cmd-q: (Alt-q) close tab and hide buffers
  • Cmd-z: (Alt-z) go to previous tab
  • Cmd-x: (Alt-x) go to next tab
  • Cmd-[1-9]: (Alt-[1-9]) select tab by number

Buffer/File Navigation:

  • ,z: cycle back through previously opened buffers
  • ,x: cycle forward through previously accessed buffers
  • ,TAB: toggle between last two opened buffers
  • ,b: CtrlP buffer selector great for jumping to a file you already have open
  • ,,b: opens buffer selector containing recently opened files
  • ,n: opens file explorer in directory vim was started in
  • ,m: shows current file in file explorer
  • ,q: closes buffer (:bd!)
  • ,Q: completely closes Vim without saving any buffers (:qa!)
  • ,Z: completely closes Vim saving all buffers (:xa)
  • ,S: saves all buffers (:wa)

Code/Search Navigation:

  • Ctrl-o: Old cursor position this is a standard mapping but very useful, so included here
  • Ctrl-i: opposite of Ctrl-O (again, this is standard)
  • ,gf: same as vim normal gf (go to file)
  • ,ag: Grep command line using Silver Searcher and Fzf
  • ,ad: search for term in directory of current file
  • ,aw: Search the current word under the cursor
  • ,hl: toggle search highlight on and off
  • Ctrl-x Ctrl-o: vim omnicompletion
  • //: clear the search
  • ,mc: mark this word for MultiCursor (like sublime). Use Ctrl-n: (next), Ctrl-p: (prev), Ctrl-x(skip) to add more cursors, then do normal vim things like edit the word.
  • ,jx: EasyMotion Jump to character x
  • Spacebar Sneak type two characters to move there in a line. Kind of like vim's f: but more accurate.
  • :Gsearch foo: global search, then do your normal %s/search/replace/g and follow up with :Greplace to replace across all files. When done use :wall: to write all the files.

Git Plugin:

  • :Git: Git status with Fugitive
  • :Gclog: view logs or load previous versions of same file
  • :Git push/pull: repo management
  • ]c, [c: jump to next/previous modification

Ctag Management:

  • :MakeTags: build tag library for project
  • ,gt: search for tag under cursor and bring up file
  • ,gi: go to next tag in history
  • ,go: go back one tag in history

Spell Check:

  • ,W: Toggle spell checker
  • ]s,[s: jump to next/previous spelling error
  • z=: get spelling suggestion
  • zg, zug: add/remove word from spellfile

Conquer of Completion:

  • gd: go to tag definition
  • gy: go to type definition
  • gi: go to next implementation of tag
  • gr: pull up reference preview of tag
  • ,rn: symbol renaming
  • ,f: format selected code
  • :Format: format code in current buffer
  • :Fold: fold code in current buffer
  • :OR: organizes imports of current buffer
  • :Ctrl-f: scroll up in popup window :Ctrl-b: scroll down in popup window
  • ,e: pull up diagnostic window
  • [g,]g: navigate up/down diagnostic window
  • ,qf: autocorrect line error
  • H,K : pull up documentation for item under cursor
  • Ctrl-Space: Trigger autocompletion


  • C-l: Trigger snippet expand
  • C-j: Expand or Jump to next placeholder
  • C-k: Jump to previous placeholder
  • ,x: Convert visual selected code to a snippet
  • <tab>: triggers completion, confirmation, expand and jump

Asynchronous Recorder:

  • q <letter>: start recording all activity
  • q: stop recording
  • @ <letter>: replay activity stored in letter

Handy Autocompletions:

  • Ctrl-x Ctrl-n: multiword/tag completion
  • Ctrl-x Ctrl-f: filename completion
  • Ctrl-x Ctrl-o: omnicompletion


See more about setting up the .vimrc.local file.

  • <F5>: start/run (to next breakpoint/end of script)
  • <F2>: step over
  • <F3>: step into
  • <F4>: step out
  • <F6>: stop debugging (kills script)
  • <F7>: detach script from debugger
  • <F9>: run to cursor
  • <F10>: toggle line breakpoint
  • <F11>: show context variables (e.g. after "eval")
  • <F12>: evaluate variable under cursor
  • :Breakpoint <type> <args>: set a breakpoint of any type (see :help VdebugBreakpoints)
  • :BreakpointRemove *: remove all breakpoints
  • :VdebugEval <code>: evaluate some code and display the result
  • ,e: evaluate the expression under visual highlight and display the result

Better keystrokes for common editing commands:

  • S# S" S' S] S) S}: to surround a visual selection with these common wrappers
  • ci', ci", ci], ci): (Alt Linux) changes content inside those surrounding marks. You don't have to be inside them
  • ,.: to go to last edit location (same as '.) because the apostrophe is hard on the pinky
  • ,ci: to change inside any set of quotes/brackets/etc


  • ,,c: search for and execute commands
  • Ctrl-p: after pasting Use p: to paste and Ctrl-p: to cycle through previous pastes.
  • ,yw: yank a word from anywhere within the word (so you don't have to go to the beginning of it)
  • ,ow: overwrite a word with whatever is in your yank buffer you can be anywhere on the word. saves having to visually select it
  • ,w: strip trailing whitespaces
  • ,hi: show current Highlight group. if you don't like the color of something, use this, then use hi! link [groupname] [anothergroupname]: in your vimrc.after to remap the color. You can see available colors using :hi
  • :Wrap: wrap long lines (e.g. when editing markdown files)
  • ,;;, gcc: un/comment selected lines in visual mode thanks to tComment
  • ,o,,p: start a new or restore an existing Vim session thanks to obsession
  • zf,zo,zc,za,zr,zm,zd: creates, opens, closes, toggles, toggles all, collapses all and deletes code folds
  • ,W,z=,]s,[s: toggle spell check, word suggestion and jump forward/backward to next misspelled word
  • :%!js-beautify: run external comands on file within Vim, like js-beautify

Vim Dev:

  • ,vc: (Vim Command) copies the command under your cursor and executes it in vim. Great for testing single line changes to vimrc.
  • ,vr: (Vim Reload) source current file as a vim file


Kitty is a full featured GPU-accelerated terminal. It's faster.

Requirements: Kitty

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Kitty Shortcuts


  • Ctrl+Shift+h Enter history
  • Ctrl+Shift+p, v Enter history in VIM mode


  • ctrl+shift+t: Creates new tab
  • ctrl+shift+q: Closes tab
  • ctrl+shift+right: Next tab
  • ctrl+shift+left: Last tab
  • ctrl+shift+.: Move tab forward
  • ctrl+shift+,: Move tab backward


  • ctrl+shift+enter: New window
  • ctrl+shift+w: Close window
  • ctrl+shift+n: Create new OS window
  • ctrl+shift+]: Next window
  • ctrl+shift+[: Last window
  • ctrl+shift+l: Cycle through layout
  • ctrl+shift+f: Shift window to prominent spot
  • ctrl+shift+b: Shift window to least prominent spot
  • ctrl+shift+F2: Create a new iteration of the last edited window

Display Options:

  • Ctrl+Shift+Equal: Inscrease Font Size
  • Ctrl+Shift+minus: Decrease Font Size
  • Ctrl+Shift+backspace: Restore Font Size

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YADRLite is a collection of my personal streamlined dotfiles with influence from YADR.






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