Animated sprite hook for react-three-fiber
npm install @react-three/drei @react-three/fiber react three
npm install use-animated-sprite
See Sprite and SpriteSheetConfig
import { AnimatedSprite, SpriteSheetConfig } from 'use-animated-sprite';
import { SpriteProps } from '@react-three/fiber';
// The config interface
interface SpriteSheetConfig {
spriteSheetUrl; string; // Required - The path or full URL to the sprite sheet
xCount: number, // Required - the number of sprites along the X axis the spritesheet is divided into
yCount: number; // Required - the number of sprites along the Y axis the spritesheet is divided into
spriteFrames: number; // Required - the number of frames for this sprite
spriteX: number; // Required - the start x position of this sprite (not pixels, but number of sprites from "left")
spriteY: number; // Required - the start y position of this sprite (not pixels, but the number of sprites from "bottom")
// One of interval or intervalFunc are required
interval?: number; // Optional - the number of seconds between sprite frames
// Optional - a function returning a number to use for the next interval between sprite frames
intervalFunc?: () => number;
function MySprite () {
const config = {
spriteSheetUrl: `/path/to/spritesheet.png`,
xCount: 40,
yCount: 32,
spriteFrames: 4
spriteX: 20
spriteY: 10
interval: 0.5
// - or -
intervalFunc: () => {
return (300 + Math.random() * 500) / 1000;
return <AnimatedSprite {...config}>
import { Sprite } from 'three';
import { useRef } from 'react';
import { useAnimatedSprite } from 'use-animated-sprite';
function MySprite () {
const spriteRef = useRef<Sprite>();
const texture = useAnimatedSprite(spriteRef, {
spriteSheetUrl: `/path/to/spritesheet.png`,
xCount: 40,
yCount: 32,
spriteFrames: 4
spriteX: 20
spriteY: 10
interval: 0.5
// - or -
intervalFunc: () => {
return (300 + Math.random() * 500) / 1000;
return (
<sprite ref={spriteRef}>
<spriteMaterial map={texture} />