Simple application to manage Todos.
- Register
- Login
- Guard for routes
- Create
- Edit ( TODO )
- Mark complete/undo ( TODO )
- Delete ( TODO )
- List
- NestJS (single repo to manage micro-services)
- gRPC with ProtoBuf
- Kakfa
- MongoDB
- Client <=> Rest <=> Gateway <=> gRPC <=> Auth
- Client <=> Rest <=> Gateway <=> gRPC <=> Todo
$ npm install
$ docker-compose --profile server up
$ docker-compose --profile app up
$ npm run proto:build
$ artillery run ./artillery/<file>.yml
$ artillery run ./tests/performance/<file>.yml --output test.json
$ artillery report --output report.html test.json
# unit tests
$ npm run test
# e2e tests
$ npm run test:e2e
# test coverage
$ npm run test:cov
Nest is MIT licensed.