academy-cryptoKitties-redo Decentralized application for the Ethereum Network built with:
Solidity ^0.8.0 Truffle Ganache Infura Web3.js and OpenZeppelin libraries
Note: As I was learning, I commited my node_modules folder to Github. I am not sure what would happen if I uncommit them so they are there for now. I may do a fork in the future and try to not include them.
Local Host Installation:
Node.JS must be installed npm must be installed Truffle installed globally via npm install -g truffle. A local blockchain via Ganache. MetaMask Clone the repo via git clone or DeskTop version
Deploy smart-contracts:
Run truffle migrate --network ganache (example). Once deployed, replace the contract addresses on file client/index.js. var contractAddress = "0x....". var marketPlaceAddress = "0x...". Update abi.js file by copying the myKittiesContract.json and KittyMarketPlace.json abi arrays and replacing them both in the abi.js file in the client folder.
Enable truffle-config networks for ganache.
To start local server: open a terminal window. Make sure to be in the client folder of your app and launch the local server using the following command: python3 -m http.server 8000. You can then access the app in your browser at: http://localhost:8000/.
Link to live app: