I can never remember which of my Ableton projects is for which song. I can hear the tune in my head, but if I search my projects folder for "give up the money", I won't find "697 [video game ost]"...
In the backend (music-catalog-server), I can run
node scripts/insertData.js "~/Music/Ableton/Projects"
and all my worries melt away as my beautiful, normalized tables are populated with folder paths, project creation dates, version names, and more!
node scripts/insertData.js "/path/to/base/folder"
npx db-migrate create add-projects
is set to true in database.json)
npm run migrate:test
npm run migrate:dev
npx db-migrate down -c 1
rollback 1 step
npx db-migrate create:seed initial_seed
npx db-migrate up:seed