This repository contains notebooks to reproduce the results presented in the manuscript Continental and glacial runoff fingerprints in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, the Inuit Nunangat ocean by B. Rogalla, S. E. Allen, M. Colombo., P. G. Myers, K. J. Orians (2023). It is divided into:
- forcing - Notebooks that are used to create the forcing files of the Mn model (other forcing files found at
- paper materials - Notebooks that are used to create the figures in the paper. File naming conventions; if the Jupyter Notebook starts with:
- "S" --> supplementary materials
- "M" --> methods
- "R" --> results
- "D" --> discussion
The following number(s) corresponds to the paper element number. Background maps are loaded as pickles to speed up the plotting. These pickles are created in the notebook "map-pickles.ipynb".