- &5/§5 (normal color codes)
- <#55F758> (hex)
- <#5e4fa2:#f79459> (Gradiens format)
- gradiens_<#6B023E:...> your text here -> you need have at least 2 colors or more
- gradiens_hsv_<#6B023E:...> your text here -> you need have at least 2 colors or more
- gradiens_<#6B023E:...>_portion<0.2:...> your text here -> to set portion of every color (if you have two colors can you ony have 1 value in portion).
- gradiens_hsv_<#6B023E:...>_portion<0.2:...> your text here -> to set portion of every color (if you have two colors can you ony have 1 value in portion).
You add colors as you normally do. Only diffrence are Gradiens. You can do for example: "&7this tex will not have gradient<#5e4fa2:#f79459>but this text will have gradient &6this will not have gradient."
TextTranslator.toComponent("your message");
//or use this So can you also set your default color.
TextTranslator.toComponent("your message","set defult color");
//spigot format.
TextTranslator.toSpigotFormat("your message");
//I have also added a check you can use if a string contains a valid hex color code.
//I already check it in the code, but if you need to check itself, you can use this.
TextTranslator.getInstance().isValidHexCode("your hex you want to check");