Go here to read more about this plugin : (http://appventus.com/blog/les-notifications-ou-comment-ameliorer-la-user-experience-grace-a-noty-et-aux-modals-en-2-minutes)
This bundle allow you to easily turn your poor lonely sad notifications into modals from
- TwitterBootstrap (http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/javascript.html#modals) or
- Noty (http://needim.github.com/noty/) or
- Toastr (https://github.com/CodeSeven/toastr)
First, add these in your deps:
And never forget to declare it in your AppKernel.php:
public function registerBundles() {
$bundles = array(
new AppVentus\Awesome\AlertifyBundle\AvAwesomeAlertifyBundle(),
And in your autoload.php
'AppVentus' => __DIR__ . '/../vendor',
Then, just publish your assets, annnnnnd it's done !
It's amazingly easy to use, just follow the following:
Add this block at the end of your twig layout:
{% block alertify %}
{{ app.session | alertify|raw }}
{% endblock %}
Now, anywhere in your controllers you can put your alert in the flash session and enjoy.
To call a noty alert, just use a flash named 'noty':
$this->get('session')->setFlash('noty',array('type'=>'success', 'layout'=>'bottom' ,'body'=>"<div>OMG, that's amazing !</div>"));
as you see, you can pass some arguments tu customize the noty, availables ones are:
some html content you want to see in the noty
To call a modal box, just use a flash named 'modal':
$this->get('session')->setFlash("modal", array('title'=>"Wow",'button_class'=>"btn btn-primary btn-large", "body"=> "<div>Some info</div>"));
as you see, you can pass some arguments tu customize the modal, availables ones are:
just a string
you con specify classes to customize your button
html string
There is a final type of Alert you can call, the callback Callbach allow you to call any action in you project, thats awesome if you want put dynamic content in your alery. To work, the called action have to render a view. It's very usefull to include a form in a modal for exemple.
$this->get('session')->setFlash('callback', array('type'=>'modal','title' => 'Wow', 'action'=>'AcmeBundle:Default:hello', 'button_class'=>'btn btn-primary btn-large', 'body'=>'<p>Yeah that's crazy !</p>'));
This type is very simple to use, just call the callback alery, and in the options define "type" with the final alert you want, the action with the action you want call, and other options specific to the alery you choose.
After a link's clic or form's submission, we sometimes want to prompt the user to be sure he understood what he did. You can make it as a simply way by following the doc here : (https://github.com/AppVentus/AvAlertifyBundle/blob/master/README_Confirm.md)