Geonames is a Ruby on Rails engine that facilitates easy importing and use of the source of geographic data.
Add the plugin to your Ruby on Rails application.
ruby script/plugin install git://
Run the installation rake task.
rake geonames:install
Then sit back and wait a while as you migrate your database, download data, and import in to your database.
The geonames:install task won’t install the complete set of geonames features because this data set if 170M+. Install the entire feature set using:
rake geonames:import:features
It’s worth grabbing a coffee or two at this point as the import will take a while to complete.
If you need more fine grained control over the installation process you can run individual geoname rake tasks:
rake --tasks |grep geonames rake geonames:copy_migrations # Copy over the migration files and migrate rake geonames:import:admin1 # Import admin1 codes rake geonames:import:all # Import all geonames data. rake geonames:import:cities # Import all cities, regardless of population. rake geonames:import:cities1000 # Import cities with population greater than 1000 rake geonames:import:cities15000 # Import cities with population greater than 15000 rake geonames:import:cities5000 # Import cities with population greater than 5000 rake geonames:import:countries # Import country information rake geonames:import:features # Import feature data. rake geonames:install # Generate and install migrations, then download and import all data (except for geonames:import:features) rake geonames:migrate # Copy over the migration files and migrate
Copy the migrations from the plugin to your application and run the migrations.
rake geonames:migrate # rake geonames:copy_migrations if you don't want to run the migrations.
>> GeonamesCountry => GeonamesCountry(id: integer, iso: string, iso3: string, iso_numeric: string, fips: string, country: string, capital: string, area: integer, population: integer, continent: string, tld: string, currency_code: string, currency_name: string, phone: string, postal_code_format: string, postal_code_regex: string, languages: string, geonameid: string, neighbours: string, equivalent_fips_code: string, created_at: datetime, updated_at: datetime) >> GeonamesFeature => GeonamesFeature(id: integer, geonameid: integer, name: string, asciiname: string, alternatenames: string, latitude: float, longitude: float, feature: string, country: string, cc2: string, admin1: string, admin2: string, admin3: string, admin4: string, population: integer, elevation: integer, gtopo30: integer, timezone: string, modification: datetime, created_at: datetime, updated_at: datetime) >> GeonamesAdmin1 => GeonamesAdmin1(id: integer, code: string, name: string, created_at: datetime, updated_at: datetime)
If you need more detail have a look at the migration files that were copied over from the plugin in to your db/migrate directory.
Lastly, a collection of indexes have been added to the database for common lookup queries. You may need to add/remove indexes based on the requirements of your application.
There still some types of data we’re not importing from geonames.
There’s more work to be done in defining relationships, data validations, named scopes, and that sort of basic stuff.
Geonames is maintained by Alex Pooley, and is funded by Brown Beagle Software.
Blog Engine is Copyright © 2009 Alex Pooley, Brown Beagle Software. It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the MIT-LICENSE file.