Bash autocompletion for pip. Understands virtualenvs and can autocomplete package names from PyPI fast.
Requires that pip-cache
be installed:
$ pip install pip-cache
$ git clone git://
$ sudo cp ./pip-bash-completion/pip /etc/bash_completion.d/
$ . /etc/bash_completion.d/pip
$ mkdir ~/.bash_completion.d
$ cp ./pip-bash-completion/pip ~/.bash_completion.d/
$ cat >> ~/.bashrc << EOM
> if [ -f ~/.bash_completion.d/pip ] ; then
> . ~/.bash_completion.d/pip
> fi
$ . ~/.bash_completion.d/pip
(Optionally) update your local index of PyPI a la apt-get update
(does NOT require root):
$ pip-cache update
Connecting to PyPi...downloading package names...done!
Writing packages to cache...done!
To list pip's commands:
$ pip [TAB]
bundle freeze help install search uninstall unzip zip
To complete command:
$ pip i[TAB]
$ pip install
To list pip's options for commands:
$ pip install -[TAB][TAB]
--allow-all-external --egg --no-binary --root
--allow-external --exists-action --no-cache-dir --src
--allow-unverified --extra-index-url --no-clean -t
-b -f --no-compile --target
--build --find-links --no-deps --timeout
-c --force-reinstall --no-index --trusted-host
--cache-dir --global-option --no-use-wheel -U
--cert -h --only-binary --upgrade
--client-cert --help --pre --user
--compile -i --process-dependency-links -v
--constraint -I --proxy -V
-d --ignore-installed -q, --verbose
--disable-pip-version-check --index-url --quiet --version
--download --install-option -r
-e --isolated --requirement
--editable --log --retries
To dynamically query available packages (example from my system, your output will depend on what packages you have installed):
$ pip uninstall b[TAB][TAB]
backports-abc beautifulsoup4 billiard
$ pip install pip-[TAB][TAB]
pip-accel pip-conflict-checker pip-for-Windows pip-prometheus pip-tools-win
pip-autoremove pip-crate pip-gun pip-review pip-uninstall
pip-bundle pip-create pip-init pip-tools pip-upgrade
pip-cache pip-faster pip-pop pip-tools-optimizely pip-Win
Another good autocompleter for pip
that can't autocomplete package names and is significantly slower but does not require that an external python package be installed can be found here.