In an attempt to maximize inclusion and expand the level of communication between signers and non-signers, this project employs the use of machine learning to translate American Sign Language fingerspelling alphabet into text and speech in real-time.
To load Signans on your project, follow this tutorial.
To load the Lite version, follow this tutorial.
To load the JS version, follow this tutorial.
To test Signans on your machine with OpenCV, follow the next steps.
Use the package manager pip to install virtualenv and create a virtual environment on your machine.
pip install virtualenv
python3.8 -m venv signans-python
On Windows, run:
pip install --upgrade pip
cd signans-python
On Unix or MacOS, run:
source signans-python/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
cd signans-python
- Clone Signans GitHub repository:
git clone
- Download TensorFlow Models:
git clone
- Install the required packages:
pip install -r Signans/requirements.txt
- Move the models to the python environment:
On Windows, run:
move "models\research\object_detection" "Lib\site-packages"
move "models\official" "Lib\site-packages"
cd Signans
On Unix or MacOS, run:
mv models/research/object_detection lib/python3.8/site-packages
mv models/official lib/python3.8/site-packages
cd Signans
Once the video capturing window opens, use the ASL alphabet to finger-spell words or sentences. There are two extra signs, space
and dot
- Space (left) means end of the word;
- Dot (right) triggers the text-to-speech function.
To change the detection speed, run the scrip with the argument --speed or -s:
python --speed {time in seconds}
- To enable Google Translator, you need to set up an authentication key.
- Once the authentication key is generated and downloaded, move it to
and rename it asauthentication.json
At the moment the supported languages are:
Language | Code |
French | fr |
Spanish | es |
Portuguese | pt |
Mandarin | zh |
To change the language, run the scrip with the argument --language or -l
python --language {code}
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.