These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
- Have NodeJS installed (14 or later)
- Have TypeScript installed
- Have PostgreSQL installed (Once you installed postgresql you should create the `shortener' db)
- Run
npm install
- Go to the ROOT of the project and create a new file called
containing (with your postgresql user/pass for both DBs):
- Create both databases (shortener & shortener-test) in PostgresSql.
- To run the app enter
npm run start:dev
for dev (watch mode) or justnpm start
in terminal.
- We can separate this app in two microservices (Shorten-ms and Redirect-ms). Being that the Redirect-ms will have more request than the shorten, i would setup that microservice to have more resources. For example, i would add more memory (or EC2 Memory Optimized instance in AWS) being that this will use memory caching.
- Another option could be setup the Redirect-ms to have a better DB response time. In this approach i would remove the memory caching and create a EC2 Storage Optimized instance in AWS.