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Yuriy Brun edited this page Jul 23, 2015 · 2 revisions

Getting & Building Quick Fix Scout Source

Downloading The Source

  1. Install mercurial on your computer. * For windows users, tortoise hg is recommended
  2. Get the source code invoking the command: hg clone https://[email protected]/p/quick-fix-scout/ (from either UI or command line) * This will download the source in a directory called quick-fix-scout in your current working directory.

Importing as an Eclipse project

  1. Make sure you are running Eclipse 3.7.0 Classic (Current featured download is Eclipse 3.7.1 and the plug-in will NOT work with that version). * You can check Eclipse version from Help -> Eclipse SDK in Eclipse * Download Eclipse 3.7.0 Classic.
  2. Create a new workspace.
  3. Import the projects in the source by selecting File -> Import -> Existing Projects into Workspace 1. Choose the folder (quick-fix-scout) you have checked out with mercurial. 1. Select all projects (default), do NOT choose copy projects into the workspace.
    • This way your changes will also change your working copy of mercurial so that you can easily pull, commit and push the changes.
  4. You should get 15 projects in the Eclipse Package Explorer or Navigator view. * After this point, your project will have build errors, these are due to the fact that external libraries needs to be imported as plug-ins (which we will do in the next step), so don't worry.

Importing Dependencies as Plug-ins

Quick Fix Scout uses three external jars (javax.mail and two libraries implemented by me). jar file for javax.mail is included in EmailSender/lib, which you already imported and the other jars are in quick-fix-scout/lib.

  1. Select File -> New -> Other -> Plug-in from Existing JAR Archives
  2. Select the jar file for mail.jar (respectively TimeOperations.jar and ZipOperations.jar)
  3. Enter the following information about the new plug-in
Plug-in id: javax.mail (respectively com.kivancmuslu.www.time and
Plug-in version: 1.1.0
Plug-in name: javax.mail (respectively Time and Zipper)
Plug-in Provider: Sun (respectively Kivanc Muslu) 
* Note that you should be able to change some of these settings, however if you do and your project still has build errors, then you are on your own.
  1. Repeat this step for all three plug-ins At this moment your code should have no compilation errors.

Debugging Code within Eclipse

  1. Create a run-configuration for Quick Fix Scout * Run ⇒ Run Configurations... * Eclipse Application ⇒ New * Name: Quick Fix Scout * Main ⇒ Location: ${workspace_loc}/../runtime-QFS * Optional: To enable assertions: Arguments ⇒ VM Arguments: -ea
  2. Run the configuration by clicking Run button.

In case you cannot find run icon, I have added a screenshot below that contains the run icon in a red square: Eclipse Run Icon

TODO: Give link to code styles and development practices when added.