An attempt at dockerizing mangostwo - a world of warcraft server for wrath of the lich king (version 3.3.5).
Read the instructions before you start, you may want to modify some of the steps to fit your needs better.
docker pull mysql
docker run -i -p 3306:3306 --name mangos-mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mangos -d mysql
See for more info.
The mangos folder contains a Dockerfile that is used to download and compile the latest mangostwo source code. Use this to build an image called "mangos-base". Download, or extract, the necessary game data files before running this step and place them inside mangos/data
docker build -t mangos-base mangos
Check the Dockerfiles in realm/ and /world. You want to use the image produced in the step above.
docker build -t ilix/mangos-realmd:v1 realm
docker build -t ilix/mangos-mangosd:v1 world
git clone db
cd db/_tools
mysql --host= -u root -p mangos < full_db.sql
docker run -t -p 8085:8085 --link mangos-mysql:mangos-mysql ilix/mangos-mangosd:v1
docker run -t -p 3724:3724 --link mangos-mysql:mangos-mysql ilix/mangos-realmd:v1
You will need World of Warcraft: Wrath of The Lich King (3.3.5a) to play on your dockerized mangos. Also, you need to open your and set the address to your docker host. To add a user account, modify and run the following in your realm db.
INSERT INTO realmd.`account` (`username`,`sha_pass_hash`) VALUES ('ilix', SHA1(CONCAT(UPPER('ilix'),':',UPPER('mangos'))))