Let's Get Creative is a collection of high-quality, free, online, creativity tools.
The website is designed to be a safe, bookmarkable, creativity resource for kids and adults.
For some background behind this project, see: https://www.bryanbraun.com/2023/10/10/lets-get-creative/
- The header whiteboard is based on Perfect Freehand by Steve Ruiz.
- The fonts are Gaegu by Jikjisoft and Comic Neue by Craig Rozynski.
- The icons come from Google's Material Icons and Material Symbols.
This project takes inspiration from the following projects:
- explorabl.es by Nicky Case
- neal.fun by Neal Agarwal
- oimo.io/works by Saharan
- awesome by Sindre Sorhus
Finally, THANK YOU to everyone who built the creativity tools featured on the site. The internet is a better place because of people like you. ❤️