This tool is aimed at helping web developers to make ajax crawlable applications.
It is intended to be a simulator of crawlers that rely on the [ajax crawling] ( protocol.
It comes with a web application that enables to launch crawl simulations and explore the result.
By default it stores crawl simulations in memory, but it is able to use a Mongo DB database as backend to support data persistence.
This tool is written in Java 8. It build relies on Maven 3. To compile it and get a standalone executable jar, just launch the following command at the repository root:
mvn package
The executable jar is web-launcher/target/web-launcher-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
Once the project is built, it can be simply run thanks to the following command.
java -jar web-launcher/target/web-launcher-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
Use the -h
option to discover the launcher options.
java -jar web-launcher/target/web-launcher-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -h
Once the tool is launched, open this URL with your browser:
This URL changes if the HTTP port is not the default one or if the app does not run in the local system.
Here is a non exhaustive list of the technologies used in this tool.
- Apache HTTP Client A powerful HTTP client
- jsoup A Java library that is able to parse and manipulate real-word HTML documents
- Fluent HTTP A simple and yet powerful web server
- Guice A dependency injection library
- Jackson A serialization/deserialization library that supports object mapping and many formats such as JSON
- AngularJS A very powerful Javascript framework
- Bootstrap 3 A very famous web presentation framework
- JUnit A very famous Java testing tool
- Hamcrest An library that provides matchers to write concise and readable tests
- Mockito A famous Java mock factory
- Fongo A fake Mongo Java implementation that runs in memory
- RestAssured A web service testing tool
- Wiremock A web service mocking tool
- Awaitility A tool that makes asynchronous testing simple