Refactor TensorNetwork
internals to incidence matrix representation
This run and associated checks have been archived and are scheduled for deletion.
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1 error and 7 warnings
Julia 1.9 - ubuntu-latest - x64 - pull_request
Process completed with exit code 1.
Documentation (1.9, ubuntu-latest, x64):
failed to run `@example` block in src/
```@example plot
set_theme!(resolution=(800,200)) # hide
fig = Figure() #hide
data = zeros(Float64, 2, 2, 2, 2) #hide
for i in 1:2 #hide
for j in 1:2 #hide
for k in 1:2 #hide
data[i, i, j, k] = k #hide
end #hide
end #hide
end #hide
A = Tensor(data, (:i, :j, :k, :l)) #hide
B = Tensor(rand(2, 2), (:i, :m)) #hide
C = Tensor(rand(2, 2), (:j, :n)) #hide
tn = TensorNetwork([A, B, C]) #hide
reduced = transform(tn, Tenet.DiagonalReduction) #hide
smooth_annotation!( #hide
fig[1, 1]; #hide
color = bg_blue, #hide
xlims = [-2, 2], #hide
ylims = [-2, 2], #hide
offset_x = -0.21, #hide
offset_y = -0.42, #hide
radius_x = 0.38, #hide
radius_y = 0.8, #hide
num_waves = 6, #hide
fluctuation_amplitude = 0.02, #hide
phase_shift = 0.0) #hide
plot!(fig[1, 1], tn, layout=Spring(iterations=1000, C=0.5, seed=100); node_color=[red, orange, orange, :black, :black,:black, :black]) #hide
smooth_annotation!( #hide
fig[1, 2]; #hide
color = bg_blue, #hide
xlims = [-2, 2], #hide
ylims = [-2, 2], #hide
offset_x = 0.1, #hide
offset_y = -0.35, #hide
radius_x = 0.38, #hide
radius_y = 1.1, #hide
num_waves = 5, #hide
fluctuation_amplitude = 0.02, #hide
phase_shift = 1.9) #hide
plot!(fig[1, 2], reduced, layout=Spring(iterations=1000, C=0.5, seed=100), node_color=[orange, orange, red, :black, :black, :black, :black, :black]) #hide
Label(fig[1, 1, Bottom()], "Original") #hide
Label(fig[1, 2, Bottom()], "Transformed") #hide
fig #hide
exception =
MethodError: no method matching Graphs.SimpleGraphs.SimpleEdge(::Tensor{Float64, 4, Array{Float64, 4}}, ::Tensor{Float64, 2, Matrix{Float64}})
[1] (::TenetMakieExt.var"#4#21")(::Pair{Symbol, Vector{Tensor}})
@ TenetMakieExt ./none:0
[2] iterate
@ ./generator.jl:47 [inlined]
[3] grow_to!
@ ./array.jl:855 [inlined]
[4] collect(itr::Base.Generator{Base.Iterators.Filter{TenetMakieExt.var"#5#22", Dict{Symbol, Vector{Tensor}}}, TenetMakieExt.var"#4#21"})
@ Base ./array.jl:779
[5] plot!(ax::Axis, tn::Tenet.AbstractTensorNetwork; labels::Bool, kwargs::Base.Pairs{Symbol, Any, Tuple{Symbol, Symbol}, NamedTuple{(:layout, :node_color), Tuple{NetworkLayout.Spring{2, Float64}, Vector{Any}}}})
@ TenetMakieExt ~/work/Tenet.jl/Tenet.jl/ext/TenetMakieExt.jl:54
[6] plot!(f::GridPosition, tn::Tenet.AbstractTensorNetwork; kwargs::Base.Pairs{Symbol, Any, Tuple{Symbol, Symbol}, NamedTuple{(:layout, :node_color), Tuple{NetworkLayout.Spring{2, Float64}, Vector{Any}}}})
@ TenetMakieExt ~/work/Tenet.jl/Tenet.jl/ext/TenetMakieExt.jl:44
[7] top-level scope
[8] eval
@ ./boot.jl:370 [inlined]
[9] #54
@ ~/.julia/packages/Documenter/nQAq5/src/expander_pipeline.jl:738 [inlined]
[10] cd(f::Documenter.var"#54#56"{Module, Expr}, dir::String)
@ Base.Filesystem ./file.jl:112
[11] (::Documenter.var"#53#55"{Documenter.Page, Module, Expr})()
@ Documenter ~/.julia/packages/Documenter/nQAq5/src/expander_pipeline.jl:737
[12] (::IOCapture.var"#3#5"{DataType, Documenter.var"#53#55"{Documenter.Page, Module, Expr}, Task, IOContext{Base.PipeEndpoint}, IOContext{Base.PipeEndpoint}, IOContext{Base.PipeEndpoint}, IOContext{Base.PipeEndpoint}})()
@ IOCapture ~/.julia/packages/IOCapture/8Uj7o/src/IOCapture.jl:119
[13] with_logstate(f::Function, logstate::Any)
@ Base.CoreLogging ./logging.jl:514
[14] with_logger
@ ./logging.jl:626 [inlined]
[15] capture(f::Documenter.var"#53#55"{Documenter.Page, Module, Expr}; rethrow::Type, color::Bool)
@ IOCapture ~/.julia/packages/IOCapture/8Uj7o/src/IOCapture.jl:116
[16] runner(#unused#::Type{Documenter.Expanders.ExampleBlocks}, node::MarkdownAST.Node{Nothing}, page::Documenter.Page, doc::Documenter.Document)
@ Documenter ~/.julia/packages/Documenter/nQAq5/src/expander_pipeline.jl:736
Documentation (1.9, ubuntu-latest, x64):
failed to run `@example` block in src/
```@example plot
set_theme!(resolution=(800,200)) # hide
fig = Figure() #hide
A = Tensor(rand(2, 2, 2, 2), (:i, :j, :k, :l)) #hide
B = Tensor(rand(2, 2), (:i, :m)) #hide
C = Tensor(rand(2, 2, 2), (:m, :n, :o)) #hide
E = Tensor(rand(2, 2, 2, 2), (:o, :p, :q, :j)) #hide
tn = TensorNetwork([A, B, C, E]) #hide
reduced = transform(tn, Tenet.RankSimplification) #hide
smooth_annotation!( #hide
fig[1, 1]; #hide
color = bg_blue, #hide
xlims = [-2, 2], #hide
ylims = [-2, 2], #hide
offset_x = -0.32, #hide
offset_y = -0.5, #hide
radius_x = 0.25, #hide
radius_y = 0.94, #hide
num_waves = 6, #hide
fluctuation_amplitude = 0.01, #hide
phase_shift = 0.0) #hide
plot!(fig[1, 1], tn, layout=Spring(iterations=1000, C=0.5, seed=20); node_color=[orange, red, orange, orange, :black, :black, :black, :black, :black]) #hide
smooth_annotation!( #hide
fig[1, 2]; #hide
color = bg_blue, #hide
xlims = [-2, 2], #hide
ylims = [-2, 2], #hide
offset_x = 0.12, #hide
offset_y = -0.62, #hide
radius_x = 0.18, #hide
radius_y = 0.46, #hide
num_waves = 5, #hide
fluctuation_amplitude = 0.01, #hide
phase_shift = 0) #hide
plot!(fig[1, 2], reduced, layout=Spring(iterations=1000, C=0.5, seed=1); node_color=[red, orange, orange, :black, :black, :black, :black, :black]) #hide
Label(fig[1, 1, Bottom()], "Original") #hide
Label(fig[1, 2, Bottom()], "Transformed") #hide
fig #hide
exception =
MethodError: no method matching Graphs.SimpleGraphs.SimpleEdge(::Tensor{Float64, 2, Matrix{Float64}}, ::Tensor{Float64, 3, Array{Float64, 3}})
[1] (::TenetMakieExt.var"#4#21")(::Pair{Symbol, Vector{Tensor}})
@ TenetMakieExt ./none:0
[2] iterate
@ ./generator.jl:47 [inlined]
[3] grow_to!
@ ./array.jl:855 [inlined]
[4] collect(itr::Base.Generator{Base.Iterators.Filter{TenetMakieExt.var"#5#22", Dict{Symbol, Vector{Tensor}}}, TenetMakieExt.var"#4#21"})
@ Base ./array.jl:779
[5] plot!(ax::Axis, tn::Tenet.AbstractTensorNetwork; labels::Bool, kwargs::Base.Pairs{Symbol, Any, Tuple{Symbol, Symbol}, NamedTuple{(:layout, :node_color), Tuple{NetworkLayout.Spring{2, Float64}, Vector{Any}}}})
@ TenetMakieExt ~/work/Tenet.jl/Tenet.jl/ext/TenetMakieExt.jl:54
[6] plot!(f::GridPosition, tn::Tenet.AbstractTensorNetwork; kwargs::Base.Pairs{Symbol, Any, Tuple{Symbol, Symbol}, NamedTuple{(:layout, :node_color), Tuple{NetworkLayout.Spring{2, Float64}, Vector{Any}}}})
@ TenetMakieExt ~/work/Tenet.jl/Tenet.jl/ext/TenetMakieExt.jl:44
[7] top-level scope
[8] eval
@ ./boot.jl:370 [inlined]
[9] #54
@ ~/.julia/packages/Documenter/nQAq5/src/expander_pipeline.jl:738 [inlined]
[10] cd(f::Documenter.var"#54#56"{Module, Expr}, dir::String)
@ Base.Filesystem ./file.jl:112
[11] (::Documenter.var"#53#55"{Documenter.Page, Module, Expr})()
@ Documenter ~/.julia/packages/Documenter/nQAq5/src/expander_pipeline.jl:737
[12] (::IOCapture.var"#3#5"{DataType, Documenter.var"#53#55"{Documenter.Page, Module, Expr}, Task, IOContext{Base.PipeEndpoint}, IOContext{Base.PipeEndpoint}, IOContext{Base.PipeEndpoint}, IOContext{Base.PipeEndpoint}})()
@ IOCapture ~/.julia/packages/IOCapture/8Uj7o/src/IOCapture.jl:119
[13] with_logstate(f::Function, logstate::Any)
@ Base.CoreLogging ./logging.jl:514
[14] with_logger
@ ./logging.jl:626 [inlined]
[15] capture(f::Documenter.var"#53#55"{Documenter.Page, Module, Expr}; rethrow::Type, color::Bool)
@ IOCapture ~/.julia/packages/IOCapture/8Uj7o/src/IOCapture.jl:116
[16] runner(#unused#::Type{Documenter.Expanders.ExampleBlocks}, node::MarkdownAST.Node{Nothing}, page::Documenter.Page, doc::Documenter.Document)
@ Documenter ~/.julia/packages/Documenter/nQAq5/src/expander_pipeline.jl:736
Documentation (1.9, ubuntu-latest, x64):
failed to run `@example` block in src/
```@example plot
set_theme!(resolution=(800,200)) # hide
fig = Figure() #hide
data = rand(3, 3, 3) #hide
data[:, 1:2, :] .= 0 #hide
A = Tensor(data, (:i, :j, :k)) #hide
B = Tensor(rand(3, 3), (:j, :l)) #hide
C = Tensor(rand(3, 3), (:l, :m)) #hide
tn = TensorNetwork([A, B, C]) #hide
reduced = transform(tn, Tenet.ColumnReduction) #hide
smooth_annotation!( #hide
fig[1, 1]; #hide
color = bg_blue, #hide
xlims = [-2, 2], #hide
ylims = [-2, 2], #hide
offset_x = -1.12, #hide
offset_y = -0.22, #hide
radius_x = 0.35, #hide
radius_y = 0.84, #hide
num_waves = 4, #hide
fluctuation_amplitude = 0.02, #hide
phase_shift = 0.0) #hide
plot!(fig[1, 1], tn, layout=Spring(iterations=1000, C=0.5, seed=6); node_color=[red, orange, orange, :black, :black, :black]) #hide
smooth_annotation!( #hide
fig[1, 2]; #hide
color = bg_blue, #hide
xlims = [-2, 2], #hide
ylims = [-2, 2], #hide
offset_x = -0.64, #hide
offset_y = 1.2, #hide
radius_x = 0.32, #hide
radius_y = 0.78, #hide
num_waves = 5, #hide
fluctuation_amplitude = 0.02, #hide
phase_shift = 0) #hide
Label(fig[1, 1, Bottom()], "Original") #hide
Label(fig[1, 2, Bottom()], "Transformed") #hide
plot!(fig[1, 2], reduced, layout=Spring(iterations=2000, C=40, seed=8); node_color=[red, orange, orange, :black, :black, :black]) #hide
fig #hide
exception =
MethodError: no method matching Graphs.SimpleGraphs.SimpleEdge(::Tensor{Float64, 2, Matrix{Float64}}, ::Tensor{Float64, 2, Matrix{Float64}})
[1] (::TenetMakieExt.var"#4#21")(::Pair{Symbol, Vector{Tensor}})
@ TenetMakieExt ./none:0
[2] iterate
@ ./generator.jl:47 [inlined]
[3] grow_to!
@ ./array.jl:855 [inlined]
[4] collect(itr::Base.Generator{Base.Iterators.Filter{TenetMakieExt.var"#5#22", Dict{Symbol, Vector{Tensor}}}, TenetMakieExt.var"#4#21"})
@ Base ./array.jl:779
[5] plot!(ax::Axis, tn::Tenet.AbstractTensorNetwork; labels::Bool, kwargs::Base.Pairs{Symbol, Any, Tuple{Symbol, Symbol}, NamedTuple{(:layout, :node_color), Tuple{NetworkLayout.Spring{2, Float64}, Vector{Any}}}})
@ TenetMakieExt ~/work/Tenet.jl/Tenet.jl/ext/TenetMakieExt.jl:54
[6] plot!(f::GridPosition, tn::Tenet.AbstractTensorNetwork; kwargs::Base.Pairs{Symbol, Any, Tuple{Symbol, Symbol}, NamedTuple{(:layout, :node_color), Tuple{NetworkLayout.Spring{2, Float64}, Vector{Any}}}})
@ TenetMakieExt ~/work/Tenet.jl/Tenet.jl/ext/TenetMakieExt.jl:44
[7] top-level scope
[8] eval
@ ./boot.jl:370 [inlined]
[9] #54
@ ~/.julia/packages/Documenter/nQAq5/src/expander_pipeline.jl:738 [inlined]
[10] cd(f::Documenter.var"#54#56"{Module, Expr}, dir::String)
@ Base.Filesystem ./file.jl:112
[11] (::Documenter.var"#53#55"{Documenter.Page, Module, Expr})()
@ Documenter ~/.julia/packages/Documenter/nQAq5/src/expander_pipeline.jl:737
[12] (::IOCapture.var"#3#5"{DataType, Documenter.var"#53#55"{Documenter.Page, Module, Expr}, Task, IOContext{Base.PipeEndpoint}, IOContext{Base.PipeEndpoint}, IOContext{Base.PipeEndpoint}, IOContext{Base.PipeEndpoint}})()
@ IOCapture ~/.julia/packages/IOCapture/8Uj7o/src/IOCapture.jl:119
[13] with_logstate(f::Function, logstate::Any)
@ Base.CoreLogging ./logging.jl:514
[14] with_logger
@ ./logging.jl:626 [inlined]
[15] capture(f::Documenter.var"#53#55"{Documenter.Page, Module, Expr}; rethrow::Type, color::Bool)
@ IOCapture ~/.julia/packages/IOCapture/8Uj7o/src/IOCapture.jl:116
[16] runner(#unused#::Type{Documenter.Expanders.ExampleBlocks}, node::MarkdownAST.Node{Nothing}, page::Documenter.Page, doc::Documenter.Document)
@ Documenter ~/.julia/packages/Documenter/nQAq5/src/expander_pipeline.jl:736
Documentation (1.9, ubuntu-latest, x64):
failed to run `@example` block in src/
```@example plot
set_theme!(resolution=(800,200)) # hide
fig = Figure() #hide
v1 = Tensor([1, 2, 3], (:i,)) #hide
v2 = Tensor([4, 5, 6], (:j,)) #hide
m1 = Tensor(rand(3, 3), (:k, :l)) #hide
t1 = contract(v1, v2) #hide
tensor = contract(t1, m1) #hide
tn = TensorNetwork([tensor, Tensor(rand(3, 3, 3), (:k, :m, :n)), Tensor(rand(3, 3, 3), (:l, :n, :o))]) #hide
reduced = transform(tn, Tenet.SplitSimplification) #hide
smooth_annotation!( #hide
fig[1, 1]; #hide
color = bg_blue, #hide
xlims = [-2, 2], #hide
ylims = [-2, 2], #hide
offset_x = 0.24, #hide
offset_y = 0.6, #hide
radius_x = 0.32, #hide
radius_y = 0.78, #hide
num_waves = 5, #hide
fluctuation_amplitude = 0.015, #hide
phase_shift = 0.0) #hide
plot!(fig[1, 1], tn, layout=Spring(iterations=10000, C=0.5, seed=12); node_color=[red, orange, orange, :black, :black, :black, :black]) #hide
smooth_annotation!( #hide
fig[1, 2]; #hide
color = bg_blue, #hide
xlims = [-2, 2], #hide
ylims = [-2, 2], #hide
offset_x = -0.2, #hide
offset_y = -0.4, #hide
radius_x = 1.1, #hide
radius_y = 0.75, #hide
num_waves = 3, #hide
fluctuation_amplitude = 0.18, #hide
phase_shift = 0.8) #hide
Label(fig[1, 1, Bottom()], "Original") #hide
Label(fig[1, 2, Bottom()], "Transformed") #hide
plot!(fig[1, 2], reduced, layout=Spring(iterations=10000, C=13, seed=151); node_color=[orange, orange, red, red, red, :black, :black, :black, :black]) #hide
fig #hide
exception =
MethodError: no method matching Graphs.SimpleGraphs.SimpleEdge(::Tensor{Float64, 4, Array{Float64, 4}}, ::Tensor{Float64, 3, Array{Float64, 3}})
[1] (::TenetMakieExt.var"#4#21")(::Pair{Symbol, Vector{Tensor}})
@ TenetMakieExt ./none:0
[2] iterate
@ ./generator.jl:47 [inlined]
[3] grow_to!
@ ./array.jl:855 [inlined]
[4] collect(itr::Base.Generator{Base.Iterators.Filter{TenetMakieExt.var"#5#22", Dict{Symbol, Vector{Tensor}}}, TenetMakieExt.var"#4#21"})
@ Base ./array.jl:779
[5] plot!(ax::Axis, tn::Tenet.AbstractTensorNetwork; labels::Bool, kwargs::Base.Pairs{Symbol, Any, Tuple{Symbol, Symbol}, NamedTuple{(:layout, :node_color), Tuple{NetworkLayout.Spring{2, Float64}, Vector{Any}}}})
@ TenetMakieExt ~/work/Tenet.jl/Tenet.jl/ext/TenetMakieExt.jl:54
[6] plot!(f::GridPosition, tn::Tenet.AbstractTensorNetwork; kwargs::Base.Pairs{Symbol, Any, Tuple{Symbol, Symbol}, NamedTuple{(:layout, :node_color), Tuple{NetworkLayout.Spring{2, Float64}, Vector{Any}}}})
@ TenetMakieExt ~/work/Tenet.jl/Tenet.jl/ext/TenetMakieExt.jl:44
[7] top-level scope
[8] eval
@ ./boot.jl:370 [inlined]
[9] #54
@ ~/.julia/packages/Documenter/nQAq5/src/expander_pipeline.jl:738 [inlined]
[10] cd(f::Documenter.var"#54#56"{Module, Expr}, dir::String)
@ Base.Filesystem ./file.jl:112
[11] (::Documenter.var"#53#55"{Documenter.Page, Module, Expr})()
@ Documenter ~/.julia/packages/Documenter/nQAq5/src/expander_pipeline.jl:737
[12] (::IOCapture.var"#3#5"{DataType, Documenter.var"#53#55"{Documenter.Page, Module, Expr}, Task, IOContext{Base.PipeEndpoint}, IOContext{Base.PipeEndpoint}, IOContext{Base.PipeEndpoint}, IOContext{Base.PipeEndpoint}})()
@ IOCapture ~/.julia/packages/IOCapture/8Uj7o/src/IOCapture.jl:119
[13] with_logstate(f::Function, logstate::Any)
@ Base.CoreLogging ./logging.jl:514
[14] with_logger
@ ./logging.jl:626 [inlined]
[15] capture(f::Documenter.var"#53#55"{Documenter.Page, Module, Expr}; rethrow::Type, color::Bool)
@ IOCapture ~/.julia/packages/IOCapture/8Uj7o/src/IOCapture.jl:116
[16] runner(#unused#::Type{Documenter.Expanders.ExampleBlocks}, node::MarkdownAST.Node{Nothing}, page::Documenter.Page, doc::Documenter.Document)
@ Documenter ~/.julia/packages/Documenter/nQAq5/src/expander_pipeline.jl:736
Documentation (1.9, ubuntu-latest, x64):
failed to run `@example` block in src/
```@example viz
tn = rand(TensorNetwork, 14, 4, seed=0) # hide
plot(tn, labels=true)
exception =
MethodError: no method matching Graphs.SimpleGraphs.SimpleEdge(::Tensor{Float64, 5, Array{Float64, 5}}, ::Tensor{Float64, 3, Array{Float64, 3}})
[1] (::TenetMakieExt.var"#4#21")(::Pair{Symbol, Vector{Tensor}})
@ TenetMakieExt ./none:0
[2] iterate
@ ./generator.jl:47 [inlined]
[3] grow_to!
@ ./array.jl:855 [inlined]
[4] collect(itr::Base.Generator{Base.Iterators.Filter{TenetMakieExt.var"#5#22", Dict{Symbol, Vector{Tensor}}}, TenetMakieExt.var"#4#21"})
@ Base ./array.jl:779
[5] plot!(ax::Axis, tn::Tenet.AbstractTensorNetwork; labels::Bool, kwargs::Base.Pairs{Symbol, Union{}, Tuple{}, NamedTuple{(), Tuple{}}})
@ TenetMakieExt ~/work/Tenet.jl/Tenet.jl/ext/TenetMakieExt.jl:54
[6] plot!(f::GridPosition, tn::Tenet.AbstractTensorNetwork; kwargs::Base.Pairs{Symbol, Bool, Tuple{Symbol}, NamedTuple{(:labels,), Tuple{Bool}}})
@ TenetMakieExt ~/work/Tenet.jl/Tenet.jl/ext/TenetMakieExt.jl:44
[7] plot!
@ ~/work/Tenet.jl/Tenet.jl/ext/TenetMakieExt.jl:32 [inlined]
[8] #plot#1
@ ~/work/Tenet.jl/Tenet.jl/ext/TenetMakieExt.jl:25 [inlined]
[9] top-level scope
[10] eval
@ ./boot.jl:370 [inlined]
[11] #54
@ ~/.julia/packages/Documenter/nQAq5/src/expander_pipeline.jl:738 [inlined]
[12] cd(f::Documenter.var"#54#56"{Module, Expr}, dir::String)
@ Base.Filesystem ./file.jl:112
[13] (::Documenter.var"#53#55"{Documenter.Page, Module, Expr})()
@ Documenter ~/.julia/packages/Documenter/nQAq5/src/expander_pipeline.jl:737
[14] (::IOCapture.var"#3#5"{DataType, Documenter.var"#53#55"{Documenter.Page, Module, Expr}, Task, IOContext{Base.PipeEndpoint}, IOContext{Base.PipeEndpoint}, IOContext{Base.PipeEndpoint}, IOContext{Base.PipeEndpoint}})()
@ IOCapture ~/.julia/packages/IOCapture/8Uj7o/src/IOCapture.jl:119
[15] with_logstate(f::Function, logstate::Any)
@ Base.CoreLogging ./logging.jl:514
[16] with_logger
@ ./logging.jl:626 [inlined]
[17] capture(f::Documenter.var"#53#55"{Documenter.Page, Module, Expr}; rethrow::Type, color::Bool)
@ IOCapture ~/.julia/packages/IOCapture/8Uj7o/src/IOCapture.jl:116
[18] runner(#unused#::Type{Documenter.Expanders.ExampleBlocks}, node::MarkdownAST.Node{Nothing}, page::Documenter.Page, doc::Documenter.Document)
@ Documenter ~/.julia/packages/Documenter/nQAq5/src/expander_pipeline.jl:736
Documentation (1.9, ubuntu-latest, x64):
removing `stable` and linking `stable` to `v0.3.0`.
Documentation (1.9, ubuntu-latest, x64):
removing `v0.3` and linking `v0.3` to `v0.3.0`.