Description: Expressing RDF triples written in turtle as graph primatives (nodes,edges) fed to d3 force directed graph. Descendant of map and node-arc-p5.
Install this with git Clone node-arc-d3 to a web folder (/var/www.html or whatever your Apache web root is) with the node module dependencies by following the steps:
(1) cd /var/www/html
(2) git clone
(3) cd node-arc-d3
(4) npm init
(5) npm install --save d3 jquery jsonld lodash n3 requirejs urijs jquery-ui sigma
(6) In a web-browser serve from http://localhost/node-arc-d3/
For local testing, find files in the http://localhost/node-arc-d3/data folder. Loading old-Food-Growing-Methods.ttl should work. Load this file by pasting http://localhost/node-arc-d3/data/old-Food-Growing-Methods.ttl in the text field to the left of the Load File / LDP Container button, then press the Load File / LDP Container button.
For local testing, begin by installing Apache Marmotta or similar LDP Server. Select the desired LDP container URL.
Paste this URL in the text field to the left of the Load File / LDP Container button, then press the Load File / LDP Container button.
Be sure that a Sparql Endpoint such as Apache Marmotta is Installed. Then press the SPARQL Endpoint button.
Substitute a sparql query in the "Do your SPARQL Query here" text box, then press Execute.
Currently only this type of URL works. See Issue 24.
Supports Turtle, TriG, N-Triples, N-Quads, and Notation3 (N3) from .
Also supports JSON-LD from
The Grid Layout Boxes (A, DA, DB, ..) are Supported by the Following Browsers: .
#Based off of Force Directed Graph with D3.js.
Replace the D3 Visualization with a Sigma.js Visualation.
Add Custom buttons in the left most column, and triples visualization on the right most column.
In the bit farther future with PowerAqua for Open QA using , PowerAqua Backup Files, and local files stored at /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/poweraqua . In focus: "Car Projects with Brent Shambaugh" text box, Query Button to the right, column on the far right, and graph in the center. Also the "Data Path or URI" text box, and Load Data Button (called the Load File / LDP Container button above). Ignore: Column on the left (not everything is implemented yet), Documents box (it is part of of M. Fernandez' Thesis),