Cosmocal is a c++ library package that computes different cosmological quantities
It calculates cosmic time, ang. diameter distance, growth factor and its log derivative and few other cosmological quantities. input- cosmological parameters and redshift
Cosmocal is released under the MIT software liscense (see LISCENSE).
Gnu Scientific Library (GSL) A c++ compiler
The package contain 3 header files- cosmo.h, growth.h and driver.h, 1 input parameter file- input.par, one makefile-Makefile and one driver routine- cosmo_driver.cpp
- cosmo.h- contains the class "cosmo" and the associated functions that calculates most of the cosmogical quantitites e.g., angular diamter distance and cosmic time.
- growth.h- contain the class "growth" and calulates the growth factor and its log derivative. (N.B.- does not assume any approximate form for the growth factor and solve the ODE )
- driver.h- defines the input parameters
- Makefile- makefile to generate the executable
- input.par- file that contain the values of the input parameters.
- cosmo_driver.cpp- the main driver routine that calls the class cosmo and growth and computes the cosmological quantities
- Download the package and place it anywhere you like
- Open the Makefile, edit CFLAGS and CLIB to make sure you have the correct path to GSL insalled in your machine.
- do make clean, then make cosmo, this creates the executable
- run : ./cosmo_driver.exe < input.par