HaloProfile is a c/c++ library package that computes the concentration - mass relation of dark matter halos, given the individual halo properties (typically the output generated by running halo finder)
HaloProfile is released under the MIT software liscense (see LISCENSE).
Gnu Scientific Library (GSL) c/c++ compiler
The package contain 4 header files, 6 c files, 6 c++ files, 1 input parameter file- input.conc, one makefile-Makefile and one driver routine- driver_conc.cxx
Depending on the output of the halo finder, you need to modify concentration.cxx lines-59-71 to properly read in the halo files and conc.h (num_col= number of columns in sodproperties files)
- Download the package and place it anywhere you like
- Open the Makefile, edit CFLAGS and CLIB to make sure you have the correct path to GSL insalled in your machine.
- do make clean, then make, this creates the executable
- run : ./driver_conc.exe < input.conc.0