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donotdespair committed Jul 31, 2024
1 parent 7e4059c commit 011821d
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Showing 89 changed files with 9,612 additions and 0 deletions.
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions 2024-08-bsvars-w4UKR.Rproj
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RnwWeave: knitr
LaTeX: pdfLaTeX
Binary file added bsvarSIGNs.png
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Binary file added bsvars.png
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Binary file added bsvars_progress.png
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Binary file added cran.png
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35 changes: 35 additions & 0 deletions empiRical/aus_empirical.R
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# soe00: idUR-SVAR-SV

model = "00"


TT = nrow(soe)
lag_order = 8
lag_exogenous = 4
T = TT - max(lag_order, lag_exogenous)

# exogenous = matrix(NA, TT - lag_exogenous, 0)
# for (i in 0:lag_exogenous) {
# exogenous = cbind(exogenous, as.matrix(soe[(lag_exogenous - i + 1):(TT - i), 6:8]))
# }

spec = specify_bsvar$new(
# data = as.matrix(tail(soe[,1:5], T)),
data = as.matrix(soe[,1:8]),
p = lag_order,
# exogenous = tail(exogenous, T)

burn = estimate(spec, 1e3)
post = estimate(burn, 5e3)

irfs = compute_impulse_responses(post, horizon = 60)
# fevd = compute_variance_decompositions(post, horizon = 60)

# save(spec, post, file = paste0("results/soe", model, ".rda"))
136 changes: 136 additions & 0 deletions empiRical/data/data.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@

# download the small-open economy data from the FRED database
# based on Groshenny, Javed (2023, WP)

create_interpolated_series <- function(data, start_date, end_date) {
# function to interpolate quarterly to monthly data
# start_date and end_date need to be given as a character with format "YYYY-MM-DD"

# data object to merge by data all time series
df <- data.frame(date = seq(as.Date(start_date), as.Date(end_date), by = "months"))
df <- dplyr::left_join(df, data, by = "date")
## interpolate GDP series
# first shift GDP series such that Q1 is assigned to March etc
df$X = c(rep(NA,2), df$value[1:(length(df$value) - 2)])
# now interpolate, taking into account leading and trailing NA values
df <- dplyr::mutate(df, value_out = c(rep(NA, min(which(!$X))) - 1),
rep(NA, length(df$date) - max(which(!$X))))
df <- dplyr::select(df, c(date, value_out))

# to set
start_date = "1950-01-01"
end_date = "2024-07-27"

# US data
# real gdp
gdp = fredr::fredr("GDPC1")
df_gdp = create_interpolated_series(gdp, start_date, end_date)
gdp = xts::xts(df_gdp$value_out / 1000, df_gdp$date, tclass = 'yearmon')
gdp = xts::to.monthly(gdp, OHLC = FALSE, drop.time = TRUE)
gdp = 100 * log(gdp)
# dgdp = na.omit(12 * diff(gdp))

# Consumer Price Index: All Items for the United States
cpi = fredr::fredr("USACPIALLMINMEI")
cpi = xts::xts(cpi$value, cpi$date, tclass = 'yearmon')
cpi = 100 * log(cpi)
# pi = na.omit(12 * diff(cpi))

# Federal Funds Effective Rate
FFR = fredr::fredr("FEDFUNDS")
FFR = xts::xts(FFR$value, FFR$date, tclass = 'yearmon')

# Australian data

aud_mb = readrba::read_rba(series_id = "DMABMN")
aud_mb = xts::xts(log(aud_mb$value), aud_mb$date, tclass = 'yearmon')
aud_mb = xts::to.monthly(aud_mb, OHLC = FALSE, drop.time = TRUE)

aud_hw = readrba::read_rba(series_id = "GLFMHW")
aud_hw = xts::xts(log(aud_hw$value), aud_hw$date, tclass = 'yearmon')
aud_hw = xts::to.monthly(aud_hw, OHLC = FALSE, drop.time = TRUE)

# Real Gross Domestic Product for Australia (Domestic Currency, Seasonally Adjusted)
aud_gdp = fredr::fredr("NGDPRSAXDCAUQ")
df_au_gdp = create_interpolated_series(aud_gdp, start_date, end_date)
aud_gdp = na.omit(xts::xts(df_au_gdp$value / 1000, df_au_gdp$date, tclass = 'yearmon'))
aud_gdp = xts::to.monthly(aud_gdp, OHLC = FALSE, drop.time = TRUE)
aud_gdp = 100 * log(aud_gdp)

# Quarterly CPI from FRED
aud_cpi = fredr::fredr("AUSCPIALLQINMEI")
df_au_cpi = create_interpolated_series(aud_cpi, start_date, end_date)
aud_cpi_fr = xts::xts(df_au_cpi$value_out, df_au_cpi$date, tclass = 'yearmon')
colnames(aud_cpi_fr) = "aud_cpi"
aud_cpi_fr = na.omit(aud_cpi_fr$aud_cpi /as.numeric(aud_cpi_fr$aud_cpi["2017-09"]))

# Monthly CPI from ABS
aud_cpi_mont = readabs::read_abs(series_id = "A128478317T")
aud_cpi_mont = xts::xts(aud_cpi_mont$value, aud_cpi_mont$date, tclass = 'yearmon')
aud_cpi_mont = aud_cpi_mont/as.numeric(aud_cpi_mont["2017-10"])

# merge
aud_cpi = rbind(aud_cpi_fr["/2017-08"], aud_cpi_mont)
aud_cpi = xts::to.monthly(aud_cpi, OHLC = FALSE, drop.time = TRUE)
aud_cpi = 100 * log(aud_cpi)

# 3-Month or 90-day Rates and Yields: Interbank Rates for Australia (Percent, Not Seasonally Adjusted)
aud_IR = fredr::fredr("IR3TIB01AUM156N")
aud_IR = xts::xts(aud_IR$value, aud_IR$date, tclass = 'yearmon')

# cash rate
aud_CR = readrba::read_rba(series_id = "FIRMMCRT") # Cash Rate Target
aud_CR = xts::xts(aud_CR$value, aud_CR$date, tclass = 'yearmon')
aud_CR = xts::to.monthly(aud_CR, OHLC = FALSE, drop.time = TRUE)

# TS
aud_LTR = readrba::read_rba(series_id = "FCMYGBAG10")
aud_LTR = xts::xts(aud_LTR$value, aud_LTR$date, tclass = 'yearmon')
aud_LTR = xts::to.monthly(aud_LTR, OHLC = FALSE, drop.time = TRUE)
aud_TS = na.omit(aud_LTR - aud_IR)
colnames(aud_TS) = "aud_TS"

# exchange rate
aud_USD = readrba::read_rba(series_id = "FXRUSD")
aud_USD = xts::xts(aud_USD$value, aud_USD$date, tclass = 'yearmon')
aud_USD = xts::to.monthly(aud_USD, OHLC = FALSE, drop.time = TRUE)

aord_yahoo = "^AORD?period1=345513600&period2=1722211200&interval=1d&events=history&includeAdjustedClose=true"
aord_download = read.csv(aord_yahoo, na.strings = "null")
aord_tmp = xts::xts(log(aord_download[,6]), as.Date(aord_download[,1]))
aord_tmp = na.omit(aord_tmp)
aud_aord = xts::to.monthly(aord_tmp, OHLC = FALSE, drop.time = TRUE)

us = na.omit(merge(gdp, cpi, FFR))
aud = na.omit(merge(aud_gdp, aud_cpi, aud_CR, aud_USD, aud_aord))
soe = na.omit(merge(aud, us))
save(soe, file = "empiRical/data/soe.rda")
Binary file added empiRical/data/soe.rda
Binary file not shown.

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