Releases: buaazp/zimg
zimg v3.1.0 release
New features:
More parameters in url for processing image.
Support lua scripts to deal with customized compress strategy.
Broswer and client cache control.
Admin page and delete image function.
Best parser for multipart/form uploads.
Support raw post upload and json result.
More config options for operation and maintenance.
zimg v2.2.0 release
- Fixed memory leak in imagemagick.
- Bug fixed.
zimg v2.1.0 release
New features:
- IP access control module.
- Return compressed image for none arg request.
Bug fixed:
- Storage path doesn't work and mk_dirs error.
- Remove unsafe function sprintf().
- 404 when p=0 and width or height is zero.
zimg v2.0.2 release
Bug fixed:
- boundary find error.
zimg v2.0.1 release
New features:
Support beansdb/SSDB mode to save images into distributed storage backend.
New rules of storage key.
Use keepalive-connection to improve performance.
Use lua for conf and other functions.
Clear log format.
New source code struct.
zimg v1.0.0 release
Receive and storage users' upload images.
Transfer image through HTTP protocol.
Process resized and grayed image by request parameter.
Use memcached to improve performance.
Multi-thread support for multi-core processor server.