Python library for Mode-S message decoding. Two seprate methods are develop to decode the following messages:
- Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B) (DF17)
- aircraft infomation that cotains: icao address, position, altitude, velocity (ground speed), and callsign, etc.
- Mode-S Enhanced Surveillance (EHS) (DF20 and DF21)
- additional information in response to SSR interogation, such as: true airspeed, indicated airspeed, mach number, track angle, heading, and roll angle, etc.
A detailed manuel on Mode-S decoding is published by the author, at:
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Checkout source code, or install using pip:
pip install pyModeS
import pyModeS as pms
Common function for Mode-S message:
pms.df(msg) # Downlink Format
pms.crc(msg, encode=False) # Perform CRC or generate parity bit
pms.hex2bin(str) # Convert hexadecimal string to binary string
pms.bin2int(str) # Convert binary string to integer
pms.hex2int(str) # Convert hexadecimal string to integer
Core functions for ADS-B decoding:
pms.adsb.position(msg_odd, msg_even, t_odd, t_even)
Core functions for EHS decoding:
pms.ehs.icao(msg) # icao address
pms.ehs.BDS(msg) # Comm-B Data Selector Version
# for BDS version 2,0
pms.ehs.callsign(msg) # Aircraft callsign
# for BDS version 4,0
pms.ehs.alt_mcp(msg) # MCP/FCU selected altitude (ft)
pms.ehs.alt_fms(msg) # FMS selected altitude (ft)
pms.ehs.alt_pbaro(msg) # Barometric pressure (mb)
# for BDS version 5,0
pms.ehs.roll(msg) # roll angle (deg)
pms.ehs.track(msg) # track angle (deg) # ground speed (kt)
pms.ehs.rtrack(msg) # track angle rate (deg/sec)
pms.ehs.tas(msg) # true airspeed (kt)
# for BDS version 6,0
pms.ehs.heading(msg) # heading (deg)
pms.ehs.ias(msg) # indicated airspeed (kt)
pms.ehs.mach(msg) # MACH number
pms.ehs.baro_vr(msg) # barometric altitude rate (ft/min)
pms.ehs.ins_vr(msg) # inertial vertical speed (ft/min)
Some helper functions:
pms.df(msg) # downlink format of a Mode-S message
pms.hex2bin(msg) # convert hexadecimal string to binary string
pms.hex2int(msg) # convert hexadecimal string to integer
pms.bin2int(msg) # convert binary string to integer