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Releases: budak7273/CDFPlugin-Manipulate

Choose from the Website

18 Oct 15:15
Choose a tag to compare

Initial Relase

28 Sep 15:35
Choose a tag to compare

To use, paste into the bottom of your input box and replace (*Put your Show[] command here*) with a Show[] containing the things you want to show. Any view options ex. AspectRatio must be put in the Manipulate[] portion.

yourShow = (Put your Show[] command here);

Manipulate[Show[yourShow, ViewPoint - {3.1384709652950433 Sin[tView], 3.1384709652950433 Cos[tView], viewHeight}, Boxed - True, Axes - True, PlotRange - All], {{tView, 1.0358412530088001, Rotate around origin}, 0, 2 Pi}, {{viewHeight, CMView[[3]]}, -CMView[[3]], CMView[[3]]}]