e924ff6 Scoop update for talhelper version v1.14.0
bd4d6a5 chore(deps): update dependency siderolabs/talos to v1.5.5
d07dbd9 chore(github-action): update renovatebot/github-action action to v39.1.1
8ce6bae chore(github-action): update renovatebot/github-action action to v39.1.2
323f85f chore(schema): update talconfig.yaml JSON schema
750d700 chore(schema): update talconfig.yaml JSON schema (#191 )
a2dba9e chore(schema): update talconfig.yaml JSON schema (#196 )
f14f439 feat(CI): add update-json-schema workflow
eda122b feat(code): improve envsubst and test
875a762 feat(code): move function to package and improve test
95778d3 feat(genconfig): add per node schematic
0bde3fe feat(genconfig): change default installer image url
fad7afe feat(gendocs): add gendocs command
b3d53d5 feat(genschema): add JSON schema for talconfig.yaml and subcommand
dd67b83 feat(genurl): add genurl subcommand
2c9cd3e feat(validate): add hostname validation
7ee200c feat(validate): add schematic validation
1fde61d feat(validate): add warning when using extensions
3020d15 feat(validate): will do envsubst by default when validating talconfig
2bddc99 feat: update flake
9b9ed56 feat: update flake
878cd38 fix(CI): blind guy doing copy pasta
e0128cc fix(CI): fix deploy-docs workflow not working as intended
937c202 fix(config): Fix jsonschema tag
e3b7f47 fix(deps): update digest to 661dc70
6f4e156 fix(deps): update module to v1.16.0
b781810 fix(deps): update module to v0.1.0
ff049ba fix(deps): update module to v0.1.1
0ce5c21 fix(deps): update module to v0.1.2
9557c22 fix(deps): update module to v1.8.0
d121a3a fix(deps): update module to v0.14.0
f301989 fix(deps): update module to v1.4.0
55bcda6 fix(example): update to make it more reasonable
919ea56 fix(genconfig): optimize code
a469a86 fix(genschema): fix broken InstallDiskSelector
2365e3e fix(gensecret): remove unneeded code
eb82534 fix(genurl): fixes
a5c3c6c fix(rootcmd): update command help
9a8a5dc fix(secret): fix deprecated code being deleted
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