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Co-authored-by: unmultimedio <[email protected]>
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app-token-modules[bot] and unmultimedio authored Aug 14, 2023
1 parent 4272e47 commit 18919e1
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syntax = "proto3";

package envoy.extensions.filters.http.ext_proc.v3;

import "envoy/config/common/mutation_rules/v3/mutation_rules.proto";
import "envoy/config/core/v3/grpc_service.proto";
import "envoy/extensions/filters/http/ext_proc/v3/processing_mode.proto";
import "envoy/type/matcher/v3/string.proto";

import "google/protobuf/duration.proto";
import "google/protobuf/struct.proto";

import "udpa/annotations/status.proto";
import "validate/validate.proto";

option java_package = "io.envoyproxy.envoy.extensions.filters.http.ext_proc.v3";
option java_outer_classname = "ExtProcProto";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option go_package = ";ext_procv3";
option (udpa.annotations.file_status).package_version_status = ACTIVE;

// [#protodoc-title: External Processing Filter]
// External Processing Filter
// [#extension: envoy.filters.http.ext_proc]

// The External Processing filter allows an external service to act on HTTP traffic in a flexible way.

// **Current Implementation Status:**
// All options and processing modes are implemented except for the following:
// * Request and response attributes are not sent and not processed.
// * Dynamic metadata in responses from the external processor is ignored.
// * "async mode" is not implemented.

// The filter communicates with an external gRPC service called an "external processor"
// that can do a variety of things with the request and response:
// * Access and modify the HTTP headers on the request, response, or both
// * Access and modify the HTTP request and response bodies
// * Access and modify the dynamic stream metadata
// * Immediately send an HTTP response downstream and terminate other processing
// The filter communicates with the server using a gRPC bidirectional stream. After the initial
// request, the external server is in control over what additional data is sent to it
// and how it should be processed.
// By implementing the protocol specified by the stream, the external server can choose:
// * Whether it receives the response message at all
// * Whether it receives the message body at all, in separate chunks, or as a single buffer
// * Whether subsequent HTTP requests are transmitted synchronously or whether they are
// sent asynchronously.
// * To modify request or response trailers if they already exist
// The filter supports up to six different processing steps. Each is represented by
// a gRPC stream message that is sent to the external processor. For each message, the
// processor must send a matching response.
// * Request headers: Contains the headers from the original HTTP request.
// * Request body: Delivered if they are present and sent in a single message if
// the BUFFERED or BUFFERED_PARTIAL mode is chosen, in multiple messages if the
// STREAMED mode is chosen, and not at all otherwise.
// * Request trailers: Delivered if they are present and if the trailer mode is set
// to SEND.
// * Response headers: Contains the headers from the HTTP response. Keep in mind
// that if the upstream system sends them before processing the request body that
// this message may arrive before the complete body.
// * Response body: Sent according to the processing mode like the request body.
// * Response trailers: Delivered according to the processing mode like the
// request trailers.
// By default, the processor sends only the request and response headers messages.
// This may be changed to include any of the six steps by changing the processing_mode
// setting of the filter configuration, or by setting the mode_override of any response
// from the external processor. The latter is only enabled if allow_mode_override is
// set to true. This way, a processor may, for example, use information
// in the request header to determine whether the message body must be examined, or whether
// the proxy should simply stream it straight through.
// All of this together allows a server to process the filter traffic in fairly
// sophisticated ways. For example:
// * A server may choose to examine all or part of the HTTP message bodies depending
// on the content of the headers.
// * A server may choose to immediately reject some messages based on their HTTP
// headers (or other dynamic metadata) and more carefully examine others.
// * A server may asynchronously monitor traffic coming through the filter by inspecting
// headers, bodies, or both, and then decide to switch to a synchronous processing
// mode, either permanently or temporarily.
// The protocol itself is based on a bidirectional gRPC stream. Envoy will send the
// server
// :ref:`ProcessingRequest <envoy_v3_api_msg_service.ext_proc.v3.ProcessingRequest>`
// messages, and the server must reply with
// :ref:`ProcessingResponse <envoy_v3_api_msg_service.ext_proc.v3.ProcessingResponse>`.
// Stats about each gRPC call are recorded in a :ref:`dynamic filter state
// <arch_overview_advanced_filter_state_sharing>` object in a namespace matching the filter
// name.
// [#next-free-field: 16]
message ExternalProcessor {
// Configuration for the gRPC service that the filter will communicate with.
// The filter supports both the "Envoy" and "Google" gRPC clients.
config.core.v3.GrpcService grpc_service = 1 [(validate.rules).message = {required: true}];

// By default, if the gRPC stream cannot be established, or if it is closed
// prematurely with an error, the filter will fail. Specifically, if the
// response headers have not yet been delivered, then it will return a 500
// error downstream. If they have been delivered, then instead the HTTP stream to the
// downstream client will be reset.
// With this parameter set to true, however, then if the gRPC stream is prematurely closed
// or could not be opened, processing continues without error.
bool failure_mode_allow = 2;

// Specifies default options for how HTTP headers, trailers, and bodies are
// sent. See ProcessingMode for details.
ProcessingMode processing_mode = 3;

// [#not-implemented-hide:]
// If true, send each part of the HTTP request or response specified by ProcessingMode
// asynchronously -- in other words, send the message on the gRPC stream and then continue
// filter processing. If false, which is the default, suspend filter execution after
// each message is sent to the remote service and wait up to "message_timeout"
// for a reply.
bool async_mode = 4;

// [#not-implemented-hide:]
// Envoy provides a number of :ref:`attributes <arch_overview_attributes>`
// for expressive policies. Each attribute name provided in this field will be
// matched against that list and populated in the request_headers message.
// See the :ref:`attribute documentation <arch_overview_request_attributes>`
// for the list of supported attributes and their types.
repeated string request_attributes = 5;

// [#not-implemented-hide:]
// Envoy provides a number of :ref:`attributes <arch_overview_attributes>`
// for expressive policies. Each attribute name provided in this field will be
// matched against that list and populated in the response_headers message.
// See the :ref:`attribute documentation <arch_overview_attributes>`
// for the list of supported attributes and their types.
repeated string response_attributes = 6;

// Specifies the timeout for each individual message sent on the stream and
// when the filter is running in synchronous mode. Whenever the proxy sends
// a message on the stream that requires a response, it will reset this timer,
// and will stop processing and return an error (subject to the processing mode)
// if the timer expires before a matching response is received. There is no
// timeout when the filter is running in asynchronous mode. Zero is a valid
// config which means the timer will be triggered immediately. If not
// configured, default is 200 milliseconds.
google.protobuf.Duration message_timeout = 7 [(validate.rules).duration = {
lte {seconds: 3600}
gte {}

// Optional additional prefix to use when emitting statistics. This allows to distinguish
// emitted statistics between configured *ext_proc* filters in an HTTP filter chain.
string stat_prefix = 8;

// Rules that determine what modifications an external processing server may
// make to message headers. If not set, all headers may be modified except
// for "host", ":authority", ":scheme", ":method", and headers that start
// with the header prefix set via
// :ref:`header_prefix <envoy_v3_api_field_config.bootstrap.v3.Bootstrap.header_prefix>`
// (which is usually "x-envoy").
// Note that changing headers such as "host" or ":authority" may not in itself
// change Envoy's routing decision, as routes can be cached. To also force the
// route to be recomputed, set the
// :ref:`clear_route_cache <envoy_v3_api_field_service.ext_proc.v3.CommonResponse.clear_route_cache>`
// field to true in the same response.
config.common.mutation_rules.v3.HeaderMutationRules mutation_rules = 9;

// Specify the upper bound of
// :ref:`override_message_timeout <envoy_v3_api_field_service.ext_proc.v3.ProcessingResponse.override_message_timeout>`
// If not specified, by default it is 0, which will effectively disable the ``override_message_timeout`` API.
google.protobuf.Duration max_message_timeout = 10 [(validate.rules).duration = {
lte {seconds: 3600}
gte {}

// Prevents clearing the route-cache when the
// :ref:`clear_route_cache <envoy_v3_api_field_service.ext_proc.v3.CommonResponse.clear_route_cache>`
// field is set in an external processor response.
bool disable_clear_route_cache = 11;

// Allow headers matching the ``forward_rules`` to be forwarded to the external processing server.
// If not set, all headers are forwarded to the external processing server.
HeaderForwardingRules forward_rules = 12;

// Additional metadata to be added to the filter state for logging purposes. The metadata
// will be added to StreamInfo's filter state under the namespace corresponding to the
// ext_proc filter name.
google.protobuf.Struct filter_metadata = 13;

// If ``allow_mode_override`` is set to true, the filter config :ref:`processing_mode
// <envoy_v3_api_field_extensions.filters.http.ext_proc.v3.ExternalProcessor.processing_mode>`
// can be overridden by the response message from the external processing server
// :ref:`mode_override <envoy_v3_api_field_service.ext_proc.v3.ProcessingResponse.mode_override>`.
// If not set, ``mode_override`` API in the response message will be ignored.
bool allow_mode_override = 14;

// If set to true, ignore the
// :ref:`immediate_response <envoy_v3_api_field_service.ext_proc.v3.ProcessingResponse.immediate_response>`
// message in an external processor response. In such case, no local reply will be sent.
// Instead, the stream to the external processor will be closed. There will be no
// more external processing for this stream from now on.
// [#not-implemented-hide:]
bool disable_immediate_response = 15;

// The HeaderForwardingRules structure specifies what headers are
// allowed to be forwarded to the external processing server.
// This works as below:
// 1. If neither ``allowed_headers`` nor ``disallowed_headers`` is set, all headers are forwarded.
// 2. If both ``allowed_headers`` and ``disallowed_headers`` are set, only headers in the
// ``allowed_headers`` but not in the ``disallowed_headers`` are forwarded.
// 3. If ``allowed_headers`` is set, and ``disallowed_headers`` is not set, only headers in
// the ``allowed_headers`` are forwarded.
// 4. If ``disallowed_headers`` is set, and ``allowed_headers`` is not set, all headers except
// headers in the ``disallowed_headers`` are forwarded.
message HeaderForwardingRules {
// If set, specifically allow any header in this list to be forwarded to the external
// processing server. This can be overridden by the below ``disallowed_headers``.
type.matcher.v3.ListStringMatcher allowed_headers = 1;

// If set, specifically disallow any header in this list to be forwarded to the external
// processing server. This overrides the above ``allowed_headers`` if a header matches both.
type.matcher.v3.ListStringMatcher disallowed_headers = 2;

// Extra settings that may be added to per-route configuration for a
// virtual host or cluster.
message ExtProcPerRoute {
oneof override {
option (validate.required) = true;

// Disable the filter for this particular vhost or route.
// If disabled is specified in multiple per-filter-configs, the most specific one will be used.
bool disabled = 1 [(validate.rules).bool = {const: true}];

// Override aspects of the configuration for this route. A set of
// overrides in a more specific configuration will override a "disabled"
// flag set in a less-specific one.
ExtProcOverrides overrides = 2;

// Overrides that may be set on a per-route basis
// [#next-free-field: 6]
message ExtProcOverrides {
// Set a different processing mode for this route than the default.
ProcessingMode processing_mode = 1;

// [#not-implemented-hide:]
// Set a different asynchronous processing option than the default.
bool async_mode = 2;

// [#not-implemented-hide:]
// Set different optional attributes than the default setting of the
// ``request_attributes`` field.
repeated string request_attributes = 3;

// [#not-implemented-hide:]
// Set different optional properties than the default setting of the
// ``response_attributes`` field.
repeated string response_attributes = 4;

// Set a different gRPC service for this route than the default.
config.core.v3.GrpcService grpc_service = 5;

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