Python API handler for http Qivivo APi 2
- Create the OAuth token and keep it active
- Expose all the Qivivo web API functionality
Require : urllib, json
You need to create manually an application on and call QivivoAPI API object with the client_id and the client_secret generated.
import QivivoAPI
test = QivivoAPI.API('<client_id>', '<client_secret>')
therm = None
for device in test.get_devices():
if device['type'] == 'thermostat':
therm = test.get_device_by_uuid(device['uuid'])
print('Temperature : ' + str(therm.get_temperature()) + '\n' +
'Temperature Order : ' + str(therm.get_temperature_order()) + '\n' +
'Humidity : ' + str(therm.get_humidity()) + '\n' +
'Programs : ' + str(therm.get_programs())
hab = test.get_habitation()
print('Last presence :' + str(hab.get_last_presence()) + '\n' +
'Settings : ' + str(hab.get_settings()) + '\n' +
'Events : ' + str(hab.get_events()))