node, npm, truffle, python3, python-zcashlib, infura
npm install
truffle compile
truffle migrate --reset --compile-all --network="kovan"
truffle deploy --network="kovan"
then open up the parity-js shell ui electron app, edit the
gas amount to 2000000
and enter your account password, should get
something like this:
Using network 'kovan'.
Running migration: 2_deploy_contracts.js
Deploying hashlock...
... 0x43de5163939f7720edb1013becf93667792722f9d11fea416f28510839b9b204
hashlock: 0xee93953861f133aaad02dd887da7ba8b35da6edb
Saving successful migration to network...
... 0x4f4014529b2ee55a96379f5119a6cd3d3d44afae2720e482596b0aea873d099b
Saving artifacts...
Grab the contract address above 0xee93953861f133aaad02dd887da7ba8b35da6edb
and confirm it was deployed on
ether scan kovan network
After you deploy the contract, get the hashlock contract address and update it in index.js
node index.js
or npm run start
Download and install the zcash macbook client
-- todo
- update
with testnet link to zcashd -daemon -testnet - get test zcash into wallet from zcash faucet
- see zcash.rpc.Proxy for interfacing with the zcash client
Be sure you have the Metamask plugin installed, and have an account with some testnet ETH on rinkeby.
Run the zcashd client locally, in -testnet
Chat with us on RocketChat at zcash/alachemy or on Gitter at buidldao/Zcash-Eth-Atomic-Trades