Publish angular documentation (ngdoc)
Generate static documentation based on the ngdoc flavor of jsdoc.
Your documentation is complete when someone can use your module without ever having to look at its code. This is very important. This makes it possible for you to separate your module's documented interface from its internal implementation (guts). This is good because it means that you are free to change the module's internals as long as the interface remains the same.
Remember: the documentation, not the code, defines what a module does.
This project uses node and npm. Go check them out if you don't have them locally installed.
$ npm install --global @buildium/angular-docs
$ buildium-angular-docs --help
# Prints out the available commands and options
var buildiumAngularDocs = require('@buildium/angular-docs');
scripts: [ 'src/index.js' ],
title: 'My AngularJS Docs',
sourceFiles: [ '../src/**/*.js' ],
destination: '../docs',
ghPages: true
Feel free to dive in! Open an issue or submit PRs.
angular-docs follows the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct.
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