Research Projects
IoD (EUREKA): Analyzed and automatically grouped Jenkins deployment data from Turkcell using NLP algorithms, enabling developers to take quick action.
SMART-PDM (EUREKA): Analyzed field data from Zorlu Energy, Kocaer, and Anadolu Isuzu to develop predictive maintenance models using LightGBM, XGBoost and LSTM.
Health5G (EUREKA): Analyzed health data from Inosens, Vestel, and Sempertech. Designed and developed the Enforma IoT Platform to stream sensor data seamlessly.
SmartWind (EUREKA): Responsible for data analysis, fault detection and ai model development using data from Zorlu Energy's SCADA systems. Developed services to transfer model results to Isotrol's Google Cloud data infrastructure.
MIRAI (EUREKA): Transferred the mini version of PID control processes of ELIAR's devices to a Python-based simulation environment, utilizing open-source SoTA tools.
iData40 (HORIZON2020): Responsible for managing IoT edge nodes, data acquisition, digital signal processing, and advanced analytics within a cloud-based platform.
iRel40 (HORIZON2020): Responsible for analyzing sound and vibration data from Arçelik's washing machine motors to determine pass/fail outcomes and identify root causes of failures.
Qual40 (HORIZON2020): Developed a microservice-based application to collect sound recordings from Isuzu vehicles, leveraging AI for pass/fail decisions.
eQual40 (EIT Manufacturing): Developed an on-premises microservices extension to the IIoT Analytics platform, integrating AI solutions, processing manufacturing data, and securely transferring model metrics and logs to the cloud for management and optimization.
Batch40 (TÜBİTAK): Responsible for performance calculation using data collected from textile machines, detecting anomalies with AI models, investigating their causes, and handling processes related to data storage.
Arrowhead and Mimosa Based IoT Framework with an Industrial Predictive Maintenance Application
An AI-based Architecture Framework for Improving End-of-line Reliability Tests of Electric Motors
Condition Monitoring on Renewable Energy Production with Application to Wind Generation
Container Based Distributed Simulation for Temperature Control in Textile Dyeing Processes
Nesnelerin İnterneti Tabanlı Vagon Takip Sistemi, IMISC 2019
End-to-End Integration of an Arduino Based Edge Device with Healthcare Analytics Platform, IASRS 2021
Anomaly Detection using Audio Signals, IASRS 2021
Brake Pad Wear Estimation in Heavy Commercial Vehicles, ICoSReSSE 2021
Machine Learning for Human Activity Recognition, ICONSOS 2021
Wind Turbine Condition Monitoring Using Failure Analysis, ISEMAS 2022