Full content for the course (readings, lecture slides etc) in a readable format will appear at https://smkirby.github.io/simlang2022/, you can find the markdown source for those pages on the gh-pages branch.
The master branch is used purely for sharing code (python notebooks) which can be downloaded to noteable by following instructions on the course practicals pages.
Simon Kirby, University of Edinburgh, 2022
The following files are copyright (c) 2009-2021 Simon Kirby, with contributions from Kenny Smith, Jennifer Culbertson, Andrew Smith: lab1.ipynb, lab1_answered.ipynb, lab1_walkthrough.ipynb, lab1_notebook_intro.ipynb, lab6.ipynb, lab6_answered.ipynb
The following files are copyright (c) 2020-2021 Kenny Smith, with contributions from Simon Kirby: lab2.ipynb, lab2_answered.ipynb, lab3.ipynb, lab3_answered.ipynb, lab4.ipynb, lab4_answered.ipynb, lab5.ipynb, lab5_answered.ipynb, lab7.ipynb, lab7_answered.ipynb.
The following files are copyright (c) 2021 Matt Spike: LogExplainer.ipynb
All aspects of this work aside from the Software itself is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. For Software license, see LICENSE file for items copyright Simon Kirby, LICENSE file for items copyright Kenny Smith, and LICENSE file for items copyright Matt Spike.