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Simple Compose Multiplatform list-details application. Demonstrates my Android and Kotlin Multiplatform skills


Notifications You must be signed in to change notification settings


Repository files navigation


Test workflow

Hello World! 👋🏽
This project is a simple Compose Multiplatform app (Android + Desktop + Web) that demonstrates my Android and Kotlin Multiplatform skills. It contains two screens: user list and user details.

In this app I focused on architecture, modularization, tests, and compromised on the UI - it is very basic. Although such a small application does not need so many modules, I tried to apply patterns I would use in much bigger applications.

Web live demo:

Used technologies

Architecture and modules

In app there are two layers - Data and UI. Modules are split by layer and by feature. This approach is inspired by talk from recent Android Dev Summit.

There are two ui modules: userlist and userdetails (both with MVVM architecture) and single data module: users.

Diagram of modules used in the app (core and test modules are omitted):


  • :core
    • :core:designsystem - contains AppTheme and common UI elements
    • :core:data - contains core data logic (e.g. Pager class)
    • :core:ui - contains core ui logic (e.g. multiplatform ViewModel)
    • :core:utils - contains simple util functions
    • :core:compose-utils - contains Jetpack Compose utils for tests and previews
  • :data
    • :data:users:core - contains repository, includes :model via api()
    • :data:users:model - contains models used in the application
    • :data:users:network - contains network data sources with JSON parsing
    • :data:users:coretest, :data:users:networktest - contains test utils and fake implementations
  • :ui - module for all features in app
    • :ui:userlist - user list feature
    • :ui:userdetails - user details feature
  • :app - module that connects all features, contains platform applications with navigation
    • :app:android - Android application
    • :app:desktop - Desktop application


Next steps

  1. Support for Landscape layout
  2. Screenshot tests
  3. Better, custom UI
  4. Configure ktlint on CI
  5. (maybe) iOS app



Special thanks

to @MiSikora and @AlexKrupa for doing a code review. Following commits were added: b99c348, f4a621b, 794985f, 5301f47, 8a72e19, 424e905, 6b8be27, a0958a3


Simple Compose Multiplatform list-details application. Demonstrates my Android and Kotlin Multiplatform skills





