- Docker with PHP 8.2 container and Symfony Local Web Server
- Makefile with docker commands
- GitHub Actions to automate, customize, and execute your software development workflows right in your repository, including CI/CD
- MIT License
- Docker & Docker Compose
- Make: windows users go here
Clone repository and move inside:
git clone https://github.com/burus86/skeleton-docker-php.git
cd skeleton-docker-php
Build and up all docker containers defined in docker/docker-compose.yml:
make docker-start
Open in your favorite web browser the website http://localhost:8080/.
Stop all docker containers defined in docker/docker-compose.yml:
make docker-stop
List of all docker containers created, with an optional parameter OPTIONS
make docker-ps
make docker-ps OPTIONS=-as
Show logs for PHP docker container:
make docker-logs
Access bash for PHP docker container:
make docker-bash
- Upgrade PHP to latest stable version: 8.2
- Add database container: MySQL or PostgreSQL
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.