Tags: bushixiaoming/PowerShell
v7.0.0 * General Cmdlet Updates and Fixes - Enable `Ctrl+C` to work for global tool (PowerShell#11959) - Fix `ConciseView` to not show the line information within the error messages (PowerShell#11952) * Build and Packaging Improvements - Publish PowerShell into the Windows engineering system package format (PowerShell#11960) - Bump .NET core framework to `3.1.2` (PowerShell#11963) - Ensure the man page `gzip` has the correct name for LTS release (PowerShell#11956) - Bump `Microsoft.ApplicationInsights` from `2.13.0` to `2.13.1` (PowerShell#11925)
v7.0.0-rc.3 - 2020-02-21 * Breaking Changes - Fix `Invoke-Command` missing error on session termination (PowerShell#11586) * Engine Updates and Fixes - Update the map between console color to `VT` sequences (PowerShell#11891) - Fix SSH remoting error on Windows platform (PowerShell#11907) - Restore the `PowerShellStreamType` `enum` with an `ObsoleteAttribute` (PowerShell#11836) - Handle cases where `CustomEvent` was not initially sent (PowerShell#11807) - Fix how COM objects are enumerated (PowerShell#11795) - Fix `NativeDllHandler` to not throw when file is not found (PowerShell#11787) - Restore `SetBreakpoints` API (PowerShell#11622) - Do not needlessly pass `-l login_name` or `-p port` to `ssh` (PowerShell#11518) (Thanks @LucaFilipozzi!) - Fix for `JEA` user role in virtual account (PowerShell#11668) - Do not resolve types from assemblies that are loaded in separate `AssemblyLoadContext` (PowerShell#11088) * General Cmdlet Updates and Fixes - Sync current directory in `WinCompat` remote session (PowerShell#11809) - Add `WinCompat` deny list support using a setting in `powershell.config.json` (PowerShell#11726) - Fix unnecessary trimming of line resulting in incorrect index with `ConciseView` (PowerShell#11670) * Code Cleanup - Change name of `ClrVersion` parameter back to revert change in capitalization (PowerShell#11623) * Tools - Update changelog generation script (PowerShell#11736) (Thanks @xtqqczze!) - Update to `CredScan v2` (PowerShell#11765) * Tests - Make sure to test whether we skip a test using consistent logic (PowerShell#11892) - Skip directory creation at root test on macOS (PowerShell#11878) - Update `Get-PlatformInfo` helper and tests for Debian 10, 11 and CentOS 8 (PowerShell#11842) - Ensure correct `pwsh` is used for test runs (PowerShell#11486) (Thanks @iSazonov!) * Build and Packaging Improvements - Add `LTSRelease` value from `metadata.json` to `release.json` (PowerShell#11897) - Bump `Microsoft.ApplicationInsights` from `2.12.1` to `2.13.0` (PowerShell#11894) - Make LTS package always not a preview (PowerShell#11895) - Bump `System.Data.SqlClient` from `4.8.0` to `4.8.1` (PowerShell#11879) - Change `LTSRelease` value in `metadata.json` to true for `RC.3` release (Internal 10960) - Update `LTS` logic to depend on `metadata.json` (PowerShell#11877) - Set default value of `LTSRelease` to false (PowerShell#11874) - Refactor packaging pipeline (PowerShell#11852) - Make sure `LTS` packages have symbolic links for `pwsh` and `pwsh-lts` (PowerShell#11843) - Bump `Microsoft.PowerShell.Native` from `7.0.0-rc.2` to `7.0.0` (PowerShell#11839) - Update the NuGet package generation to include `cimcmdlet.dll` and most of the built-in modules (PowerShell#11832) - Bump `Microsoft.PowerShell.Archive` from `` to `1.2.5` (PowerShell#11833) - Bump `PSReadLine` from `2.0.0-rc2` to `2.0.0` (PowerShell#11831) - Add trace source and serialization primitives to the allowed assembly list (Internal 10911) - Update the `NextReleaseTag` to be v7.0.0-preview.7 (PowerShell#11372) - Change packaging to produce `LTS` packages (PowerShell#11772) - Build tar packages only when building on Ubuntu (PowerShell#11766) - Bump `NJsonSchema` from `10.1.4` to `10.1.5` (PowerShell#11730) - Fix symbolic link creation in `packaging.psm1` (PowerShell#11723) - Bump `Microsoft.ApplicationInsights` from `2.12.0` to `2.12.1` (PowerShell#11708) - Bump `NJsonSchema` from `10.1.3` to `10.1.4` (PowerShell#11620) - Move to latest Azure DevOps agent images (PowerShell#11704) - Bump `Markdig.Signed` from `0.18.0` to `0.18.1` (PowerShell#11641) * Documentation and Help Content - Add links to diffs on Github in changelog (PowerShell#11652) (Thanks @xtqqczze!) - Fix markdown-link test failure (PowerShell#11653) (Thanks @xtqqczze!)
v6.2.4 - 01/27/2020 * General Cmdlet Updates and Fixes - Enable Start-Process to work on Windows 7 (PowerShell#10417) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Fix global tool issues around exit code, command line parameters, and paths with spaces (PowerShell#10461) - Make Add-Type usable in applications that host PowerShell (PowerShell#10587) * Build and Packaging Improvements - Update to use TSAv2 (PowerShell#9914) - Update the dotnet SDK install script URL in �uild.psm1 (PowerShell#10927) - Update dependencies needed by Azure PowerShell and patch for Newtonsoft.Json (Internal 10798) - Fix path for getting reference assemblies (Internal 10792) - Update release date in changelog (Internal 10824)
v7.0.0-rc.2 - 1/16/2020 * Breaking Changes - Use `ISOWeek` for week numbers in `Get-Date` accounting for leap years (PowerShell#11536) (Thanks @paalbra!) * Engine Updates and Fixes - Revert the PRs that made `DBNull.Value` and `NullString.Value` treated as `$null` (PowerShell#11584) - Support expanding `~` in `$env:PATH` when doing command discovery (PowerShell#11552) - Skip null data in output data received handler to fix a `NullReferenceException` (PowerShell#11448) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Add `ssh` parameter sets for the parameter `-JobName` in `Invoke-Command` (PowerShell#11444) - Adding `PowerShell Editor Services` and `PSScriptAnalyzer` to tracked modules (PowerShell#11514) - Fix key exchange hang with `SecureString` for the `OutOfProc` transports (PowerShell#11380, PowerShell#11406) - Add setting to disable the implicit `WinPS` module loading (PowerShell#11332) * General Cmdlet Updates and Fixes - Fix `NullReferenceException` in `ConciseView` (PowerShell#11435) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Remove the default value of `$true` for the parameter `-RequireLicenseAcceptance` in `New-ModuleManifest` (PowerShell#11512) (Thanks @ThomasNieto!) - Make Web Cmdlets skip processing the content headers with a null or empty value for backward compatibility (PowerShell#11421) (Thanks @spongemike2!) - Don't format exceptions that are not `ErrorRecord` objects (PowerShell#11415) - Mark `InitialSessionState.ImportPSSnapIn` as Obsolete (PowerShell#11399) - Use `PositionMessage` for the line context information for `ConciseView` (PowerShell#11398) - Add trailing line number to `filename` for `ConciseView` (PowerShell#11391) - Update `HelpInfoUri` for all modules in PowerShell 7.0 (PowerShell#11389) - Remove unnecessary newline in `ConciseView` (PowerShell#11383) - Move `Set-StrictMode` to the outer script block for `ErrorView` (PowerShell#11381) - Remove the declaration of `Get-Error` experimental feature from module manifest (PowerShell#11369) - Update error message if `Update-Help` fails for the current `UICulture` (PowerShell#11356) - `Test-Connection`: Fallback to hop IP Address on `-Traceroute` without `-ResolveDestination` (PowerShell#11335) (Thanks @vexx32!) - Add null host name check in `WSMan` (PowerShell#11288) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Add `Type` member to exceptions containing type of exception for `Get-Error` (PowerShell#11076) - Write an error if argument is a directory in `Get-FileHash` cmdlet (PowerShell#11114) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Update `Get-Error` to not modify the original `$Error` object (PowerShell#11125) * Code Cleanup - Use .NET code to check for processor architecture instead of P/Invoke (PowerShell#11046) (Thanks @iSazonov!) * Tests - Test fixes for various platforms (PowerShell#11579, PowerShell#11541) - Various test fixes for debugger and remoting (PowerShell#11528) - `DSC` test fixes for `Alpine` and `Raspbian` (PowerShell#11508) - Normalize line endings before comparing string in tests (PowerShell#11499) - Fix `ssh` remoting test to work on all platforms (PowerShell#11500) - Build test artifacts for `Alpine` (PowerShell#11483) - Make null member access tests as string to avoid parsing errors (PowerShell#11385) - Fix test failing when `UnixStat` feature is disabled (PowerShell#11370) - Update hosting tests to use the SDK version from the build property (PowerShell#11368) - Add retry to `Enter-PSHostProcess` test (PowerShell#11360) * Build and Packaging Improvements - Bump `Microsoft.PowerShell.Native` from `7.0.0-rc.1` to `7.0.0.rc.2` (PowerShell#11583) - Update .NET SDK version to 3.1.101 (PowerShell#11582) - Bump `PSReadLine` from `2.0.0-rc1` to `2.0.0-rc2` (PowerShell#11581) - Bump `NJsonSchema` from `10.0.28` to `10.1.3` (PowerShell#11382, PowerShell#11573) - Generate the correct reference assembly for `Microsoft.PowerShell.ConsoleHost` NuGet package (PowerShell#11545) - Update building of `MSIX` for `RC` to use 100 range revision (PowerShell#11526) - Fix symbolic links on Debian 10 packages (PowerShell#11474) - Bump `Microsoft.PowerShell.Archive` from `` to `` (PowerShell#11502) - Add script to rebuild `WIX` component references (PowerShell#11485) - Bump `PackageManagement` from `1.4.5` to `1.4.6` (PowerShell#11427) - Bump `PowerShellGet` from `2.2.2` to `2.2.3` (PowerShell#11426) - Bump `ThreadJob` from `2.0.2` to `2.0.3` (PowerShell#11416) - Fix symbolic links to `libs` on Debian 10 (PowerShell#11390) - Improve Ubuntu detection for Ubuntu derivatives like `GalliumOS` etc (PowerShell#11155) * Documentation and Help Content - Fix broken link in debugging `README.md` (PowerShell#11503)
v7.0.0-rc.1 - 12/16/2019 * Breaking Changes - Make update notification support `LTS` and default channels (PowerShell#11132) * Engine Updates and Fixes - Improvements in breakpoint APIs for remote scenarios (PowerShell#11312) - Fix PowerShell class definition leaking into another Runspace (PowerShell#11273) - Fix a regression in formatting caused by the `FirstOrDefault` primitive added in `7.0.0-Preview1` (PowerShell#11258) - Additional Microsoft Modules to track in `PS7` Telemetry (PowerShell#10751) - Make approved features non-experimental (PowerShell#11303) - Update `ConciseView` to use `TargetObject` if applicable (PowerShell#11075) - Fix `NullReferenceException` in `CompletionCompleters` public methods (PowerShell#11274) - Fix apartment thread state check on non-Windows platforms (PowerShell#11301) - Update setting PSModulePath to concatenate the process and machine environment variables (PowerShell#11276) - Bump `.NET Core` to `3.1.0` (PowerShell#11260) - Fix detection of `$PSHOME` in front of `$env:PATH` (PowerShell#11141) * General Cmdlet Updates and Fixes - Fix for issue on Raspbian for setting date of file changes in `UnixStat` Experimental Feature (PowerShell#11313) - Add `-AsPlainText` to `ConvertFrom-SecureString` (PowerShell#11142) - Added `WindowsPS` version check for `WinCompat` (PowerShell#11148) - Fix error-reporting in some `WinCompat` scenarios (PowerShell#11259) - Add native binary resolver (PowerShell#11032) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Update calculation of char width to respect `CJK` chars correctly (PowerShell#11262) - Add `Unblock-File` for macOS (PowerShell#11137) - Fix regression in `Get-PSCallStack` (PowerShell#11210) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Remove autoloading of the `ScheduledJob` module when using Job cmdlets (PowerShell#11194) - Add `OutputType` to `Get-Error` cmdlet and preserve original typenames (PowerShell#10856) - Fix null reference in `SupportsVirtualTerminal` property (PowerShell#11105) * Code Cleanup - Change comment and element text to meet Microsoft standards (PowerShell#11304) * Tests - Make unreliable `DSC` test pending (PowerShell#11131) * Build and Packaging Improvements - Fix Nuget package signing for Coordinated Package build (PowerShell#11316) - Update dependencies from PowerShell Gallery and NuGet (PowerShell#11323) - Bump `Microsoft.ApplicationInsights` from `2.11.0` to `2.12.0` (PowerShell#11305) - Bump `Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp` from `3.3.1` to `3.4.0` (PowerShell#11265) - Updates packages for Debian 10 and 11 (PowerShell#11236) - Only enable experimental features prior to `RC` (PowerShell#11162) - Update macOS minimum version (PowerShell#11163) - Bump `NJsonSchema` from `10.0.27` to `10.0.28` (PowerShell#11170) * Documentation and Help Content - Refactor change logs into one log per release (PowerShell#11165) - Fix `FWLinks` for PowerShell 7 online help documents (PowerShell#11071)
v7.0.0-preview.6 - 10/21/2019 * Breaking Changes - Update `Test-Connection` to work more like the one in Windows PowerShell (PowerShell#10697) (Thanks @vexx32!) - Preserve `$?` for `ParenExpression`, `SubExpression` and `ArrayExpression` (PowerShell#11040) - Set working directory to current directory in `Start-Job` (PowerShell#10920) (Thanks @iSazonov!) * Engine Updates and Fixes - Allow `pwsh` to inherit `$env:PSModulePath` and enable `powershell.exe` to start correctly (PowerShell#11057) * Experimental Features - Provide Unix stat information in filesystem output (PowerShell#11042) - Support null-conditional operators `?.` and `?[]` in PowerShell language (PowerShell#10960) - Support using non-compatible Windows PowerShell modules in PowerShell Core (PowerShell#10973) * Performance - Avoid using closure in `Parser.SaveError` (PowerShell#11006) - Improve the caching when creating new `Regex` instances (PowerShell#10657) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Improve processing of the PowerShell built-in type data from `types.ps1xml`, `typesV3.ps1xml` and `GetEvent.types.ps1xml` (PowerShell#10898) - Update `PSConfiguration.ReadValueFromFile` to make it faster and more memory efficient (PowerShell#10839) * General Cmdlet Updates and Fixes - Add limit check in `Get-WinEvent` (PowerShell#10648) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Fix command runtime so `StopUpstreamCommandsException` doesn't get populated in `-ErrorVariable` (PowerShell#10840) - Set the output encoding to `[Console]::OutputEncoding` for native commands (PowerShell#10824) - Support multi-line code blocks in examples (PowerShell#10776) (Thanks @Greg-Smulko!) - Add Culture parameter to `Select-String` cmdlet (PowerShell#10943) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Fix `Start-Job` working directory path with trailing backslash (PowerShell#11041) - `ConvertFrom-Json`: Unwrap collections by default (PowerShell#10861) (Thanks @danstur!) - Use case-sensitive Hashtable for `Group-Object` cmdlet with `-CaseSensitive` and `-AsHashtable` switches (PowerShell#11030) (Thanks @vexx32!) - Handle exception if enumerating files fails when rebuilding path to have correct casing (PowerShell#11014) - Fix `ConciseView` to show `Activity` instead of `myCommand` (PowerShell#11007) - Allow web cmdlets to ignore HTTP error statuses (PowerShell#10466) (Thanks @vdamewood!) - Fix piping of more than one `CommandInfo` to `Get-Command` (PowerShell#10929) - Add back `Get-Counter` cmdlet for Windows (PowerShell#10933) - Make `ConvertTo-Json` treat `[AutomationNull]::Value` and `[NullString]::Value` as `$null` (PowerShell#10957) - Remove brackets from `ipv6` address for SSH remoting (PowerShell#10968) - Fix crash if command sent to pwsh is just whitespace (PowerShell#10977) - Added cross-platform `Get-Clipboard` and `Set-Clipboard` (PowerShell#10340) - Fix setting original path of filesystem object to not have extra trailing slash (PowerShell#10959) - Support `$null` for `ConvertTo-Json` (PowerShell#10947) - Add back `Out-Printer` command on Windows (PowerShell#10906) - Fix `Start-Job -WorkingDirectory` with whitespace (PowerShell#10951) - Return default value when getting `null` for a setting in `PSConfiguration.cs` (PowerShell#10963) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Handle IO exception as non-terminating (PowerShell#10950) - Add `GraphicalHost` assembly to enable `Out-GridView`, `Show-Command`, and `Get-Help -ShowWindow` (PowerShell#10899) - Take `ComputerName` via pipeline in `Get-HotFix` (PowerShell#10852) (Thanks @kvprasoon!) - Fix tab completion for parameters so that it shows common parameters as available (PowerShell#10850) - Fix `GetCorrectCasedPath()` to first check if any system file entries is returned before calling `First()` (PowerShell#10930) - Set working directory to current directory in `Start-Job` (PowerShell#10920) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Change `TabExpansion2` to not require `-CursorColumn` and treat as `$InputScript.Length` (PowerShell#10849) - Handle case where Host may not return Rows or Columns of screen (PowerShell#10938) - Fix use of accent colors for hosts that don't support them (PowerShell#10937) - Add back `Update-List` command (PowerShell#10922) - Update `FWLink` Id for `Clear-RecycleBin` (PowerShell#10925) - During tab completion, skip file if can't read file attributes (PowerShell#10910) - Add back `Clear-RecycleBin` for Windows (PowerShell#10909) - Add `$env:__SuppressAnsiEscapeSequences` to control whether to have VT escape sequence in output (PowerShell#10814) * Code Cleanup - Cleanup style issues in `Compiler.cs` (PowerShell#10368) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Remove the unused type converter for `CommaDelimitedStringCollection` (PowerShell#11000) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Cleanup style in `InitialSessionState.cs` (PowerShell#10865) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Code clean up for `PSSession` class (PowerShell#11001) - Remove the not-working 'run `Update-Help` from `Get-Help` when `Get-Help` runs for the first time' feature (PowerShell#10974) - Fix style issues (PowerShell#10998) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Cleanup: use the built-in type alias (PowerShell#10882) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Remove the unused setting key `ConsolePrompting` and avoid unnecessary string creation when querying `ExecutionPolicy` setting (PowerShell#10985) - Disable update notification check for daily builds (PowerShell#10903) (Thanks @bergmeister!) - Reinstate debugging API lost in PowerShell#10338 (PowerShell#10808) * Tools - Add default setting for the `SDKToUse` property so that it builds in VS (PowerShell#11085) - `Install-Powershell.ps1`: Add parameter to use MSI installation (PowerShell#10921) (Thanks @MJECloud!) - Add basic examples for `install-powershell.ps1` (PowerShell#10914) (Thanks @kilasuit!) * Tests - Fix `stringdata` test to correctly validate keys of hashtables (PowerShell#10810) - Unload test modules (PowerShell#11061) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Increase time between retries of testing URL (PowerShell#11015) - Update tests to accurately describe test actions. (PowerShell#10928) (Thanks @romero126!) * Build and Packaging Improvements - Updating links in `README.md` and `metadata.json` for Preview.5 (PowerShell#10854) - Select the files for compliance tests which are owned by PowerShell (PowerShell#10837) - Allow `win7x86` `msix` package to build. (Internal 10515) - Allow semantic versions to be passed to `NormalizeVersion` function (PowerShell#11087) - Bump .NET core framework to `3.1-preview.3` (PowerShell#11079) - Bump `PSReadLine` from `2.0.0-beta5` to `2.0.0-beta6` in /src/Modules (PowerShell#11078) - Bump `Newtonsoft.Json` from `12.0.2` to `12.0.3` (PowerShell#11037) (PowerShell#11038) - Add Debian 10, 11 and CentOS 8 packages (PowerShell#11028) - Upload `Build-Info` Json file with the `ReleaseDate` field (PowerShell#10986) - Bump .NET core framework to `3.1-preview.2` (PowerShell#10993) - Enable build of x86 MSIX package (PowerShell#10934) - Update the dotnet SDK install script URL in `build.psm1` (PowerShell#10927) - Bump `Markdig.Signed` from `0.17.1` to `0.18.0` (PowerShell#10887) - Bump `ThreadJob` from `2.0.1` to `2.0.2` (PowerShell#10886) - Update `AppX` Manifest and Packaging module to conform to MS Store requirements (PowerShell#10878) * Documentation and Help Content - Update `CONTRIBUTING.md` (PowerShell#11096) (Thanks @mklement0!) - Fix installation doc links in `README.md` (PowerShell#11083) - Adds examples to `install-powershell.ps1` script (PowerShell#11024) (Thanks @kilasuit!) - Fix to `Select-String` emphasis and `Import-DscResource` in CHANGELOG.md (PowerShell#10890) - Remove the stale link from `powershell-beginners-guide.md` (PowerShell#10926)
v7.0.0-preview.5 - 10/23/2019 * Breaking Changes - Make `$PSCulture` consistently reflect in-session culture changes (PowerShell#10138) (Thanks @iSazonov!) * Engine Updates and Fixes - Move to `.NET Core 3.1 preview 1` (PowerShell#10798) - Refactor reparse tag checks in file system provider (PowerShell#10431) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Replace `CR` and new line with a `0x23CE` character in script logging (PowerShell#10616) - Fix a resource leak by unregistering the event handler from `AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit` (PowerShell#10626) * Experimental Features - Implement `Get-Error` cmdlet as Experimental Feature (PowerShell#10727,PowerShell#10800) - Add `ConciseView` for `$ErrorView` and update it to remove unnecessary text and not color entire line in red (PowerShell#10641,PowerShell#10724) - Support the pipeline chain operators `&&` and `||` in PowerShell language (PowerShell#9849,PowerShell#10825,PowerShell#10836) - Implement null coalescing (`??`) and null coalescing assignment (`??=`) operators (PowerShell#10636) - Support notification on `pwsh` startup when a new release is available and update notification message (PowerShell#10689,PowerShell#10777) * General Cmdlet Updates and Fixes - Add `-Emphasize` parameter to colorize `Select-String` output (PowerShell#8963) (Thanks @derek-xia!) - Add back `Get-HotFix` cmdlet (PowerShell#10740) - Make `Add-Type` usable in applications that host `PowerShell` (PowerShell#10587) - Use more effective evaluation order in `LanguagePrimitives.IsNullLike()` (PowerShell#10781) (Thanks @vexx32!) - Improve handling of mixed-collection piped input and piped streams of input in `Format-Hex` (PowerShell#8674) (Thanks @vexx32!) - Use type conversion in `SSHConnection` hashtables when value doesn't match expected type (PowerShell#10720) (Thanks @SeeminglyScience!) - Fix `Get-Content -ReadCount 0` behavior when `-TotalCount` is set (PowerShell#10749) (Thanks @eugenesmlv!) - Reword access denied error message in `Get-WinEvent` (PowerShell#10639) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Enable tab completion for variable assignment that is enum or type constrained (PowerShell#10646) - Remove unused `SourceLength` remoting property causing formatting issues (PowerShell#10765) - Add `-Delimiter` parameter to `ConvertFrom-StringData` (PowerShell#10665) (Thanks @steviecoaster!) - Add positional parameter for `ScriptBlock` when using `Invoke-Command` with `SSH` (PowerShell#10721) (Thanks @machgo!) - Show line context information if multiple lines but no script name for `ConciseView` (PowerShell#10746) - Add support for `\\wsl$\` paths to file system provider (PowerShell#10674) - Add the missing token text for `TokenKind.QuestionMark` in parser (PowerShell#10706) - Set current working directory of each `ForEach-Object -Parallel` running script to the same location as the calling script. (PowerShell#10672) - Replace `api-ms-win-core-file-l1-2-2.dll` with `Kernell32.dll` for `FindFirstStreamW` and `FindNextStreamW` APIs (PowerShell#10680) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Tweak help formatting script to be more `StrictMode` tolerant (PowerShell#10563) - Add `-SecurityDescriptorSDDL` parameter to `New-Service` (PowerShell#10483) (Thanks @kvprasoon!) - Remove informational output, consolidate ping usage in `Test-Connection` (PowerShell#10478) (Thanks @vexx32!) - Read special reparse points without accessing them (PowerShell#10662) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Direct `Clear-Host` output to terminal (PowerShell#10681) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Add back newline for grouping with `Format-Table` and `-Property` (PowerShell#10653) - Remove [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty] from `-InputObject` on `Get-Random` to allow empty string (PowerShell#10644) - Make suggestion system string distance algorithm case-insensitive (PowerShell#10549) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Fix null reference exception in `ForEach-Object -Parallel` input processing (PowerShell#10577) * Code Cleanup - Remove `WorkflowJobSourceAdapter` reference that is no longer used (PowerShell#10326) (Thanks @KirkMunro!) - Cleanup `COM` interfaces in jump list code by fixing `PreserveSig` attributes (PowerShell#9899) (Thanks @weltkante!) - Add a comment describing why `-ia` is not the alias for `-InformationAction` common parameter (PowerShell#10703) (Thanks @KirkMunro!) - Rename `InvokeCommandCmdlet.cs` to `InvokeExpressionCommand.cs` (PowerShell#10659) (Thanks @kilasuit!) - Add minor code cleanups related to update notifications (PowerShell#10698) - Remove deprecated workflow logic from the remoting setup scripts (PowerShell#10320) (Thanks @KirkMunro!) - Update help format to use proper case (PowerShell#10678) (Thanks @tnieto88!) - Clean up `CodeFactor` style issues coming in commits for the last month (PowerShell#10591) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Fix typo in description of `PSTernaryOperator` experimental feature (PowerShell#10586) (Thanks @bergmeister!) * Performance - Add minor performance improvements for runspace initialization (PowerShell#10569) (Thanks @iSazonov!) * Tools - Make `Install-PowerShellRemoting.ps1` handle empty string in `PowerShellHome` parameter (PowerShell#10526) (Thanks @Orca88!) - Switch from `/etc/lsb-release` to `/etc/os-release` in `install-powershell.sh` (PowerShell#10773) (Thanks @Himura2la!) - Check `pwsh.exe` and `pwsh` in daily version on Windows (PowerShell#10738) (Thanks @centreboard!) - Remove unneeded tap in `installpsh-osx.sh` (PowerShell#10752) * Tests - Temporary skip the flaky test `TestAppDomainProcessExitEvenHandlerNotLeaking` (PowerShell#10827) - Make the event handler leaking test stable (PowerShell#10790) - Sync capitalization in `CI` `YAML` (PowerShell#10767) (Thanks @RDIL!) - Add test for the event handler leaking fix (PowerShell#10768) - Add `Get-ChildItem` test (PowerShell#10507) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Replace ambiguous language for tests from `switch` to `parameter` for accuracy (PowerShell#10666) (Thanks @romero126!) * Build and Packaging Improvements - Update package reference for `PowerShell SDK` to `preview.5` (Internal 10295) - Update `ThirdPartyNotices.txt` (PowerShell#10834) - Bump `Microsoft.PowerShell.Native` to `7.0.0-preview.3` (PowerShell#10826) - Bump `Microsoft.ApplicationInsights` from `2.10.0` to `2.11.0` (PowerShell#10608) - Bump `NJsonSchema` from `10.0.24` to `10.0.27` (PowerShell#10756) - Add `MacPorts` support to the build system (PowerShell#10736) (Thanks @Lucius-Q-User!) - Bump `PackageManagement` from `1.4.4` to `1.4.5` (PowerShell#10728) - Bump `NJsonSchema` from `10.0.23` to `10.0.24` (PowerShell#10635) - Add environment variable to differentiate client/server telemetry in `MSI` (PowerShell#10612) - Bump `PSDesiredStateConfiguration` from `2.0.3` to `2.0.4` (PowerShell#10603) - Bump `Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp` from `3.2.1` to `3.3.1` (PowerShell#10607) - Update to `.Net Core 3.0 RTM` (PowerShell#10604) (Thanks @bergmeister!) - Update `MSIX` packaging so the version to `Windows Store` requirements (PowerShell#10588) * Documentation and Help Content - Merge stable and servicing change logs (PowerShell#10527) - Update used `.NET` version in build docs (PowerShell#10775) (Thanks @Greg-Smulko!) - Replace links from `MSDN` to `docs.microsoft.com` in `powershell-beginners-guide.md` (PowerShell#10778) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Fix broken `DSC` overview link (PowerShell#10702) - Update `Support_Question.md` to link to `Stack Overflow` as another community resource (PowerShell#10638) (Thanks @mklement0!) - Add processor architecture to distribution request template (PowerShell#10661) - Add new PowerShell MoL book to learning PowerShell docs (PowerShell#10602)
v7.0.0-preview.4 - 09/19/2019 * Engine Updates and Fixes - Add support to `ActionPreference.Break` to break into debugger when `Debug`, `Error`, `Information`, `Progress`, `Verbose` or `Warning` messages are generated (PowerShell#8205) (Thanks @KirkMunro!) - Enable starting control panel add-ins within PowerShell Core without specifying `.CPL` extension. (PowerShell#9828) * Performance - Make `ForEach-Object` faster for its commonly used scenarios (PowerShell#10454) and fix `ForEach-Object -Parallel` performance problem with many runspaces (PowerShell#10455) * Experimental Features - Update `PSDesiredStateConfiguration` module version to `2.0.3` and bring new tests; enable compilation to MOF on non-Windows and use of Invoke-DSCResource without LCM (PowerShell#10516) - Add APIs for breakpoint management in runspaces and enable attach to process without `BreakAll` for PowerShell Editor Services (PowerShell#10338) (Thanks @KirkMunro!) - Support [ternary operator](PowerShell/PowerShell-RFC#218) in PowerShell language (PowerShell#10367) * General Cmdlet Updates and Fixes - Add PowerShell Core group policy definitions (PowerShell#10468) - Update console host to support `XTPUSHSGR`/`XTPOPSGR` VT control sequences that are used in [composability scenarios](microsoft/terminal#1796). (PowerShell#10208) - Add `WorkingDirectory` parameter to `Start-Job` (PowerShell#10324) (Thanks @davinci26!) - Remove the event handler that was causing breakpoint changes to be erroneously replicated to the host runspace debugger (PowerShell#10503) (Thanks @KirkMunro!) - Replace `api-ms-win-core-job-12-1-0.dll` with `Kernell32.dll` in `Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.NativeMethods` P/Invoke API(PowerShell#10417) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Fix wrong output for `New-Service` in variable assignment and `-OutVariable` (PowerShell#10444) (Thanks @kvprasoon!) - Fix global tool issues around exit code, command line parameters and path with spaces (PowerShell#10461) - Fix recursion into OneDrive - change `FindFirstFileEx()` to use `SafeFindHandle` type (PowerShell#10405) - Skip auto-loading `PSReadLine` on Windows if the [NVDA screen reader](https://www.nvaccess.org/about-nvda/) is active (PowerShell#10385) - Increase built-with-PowerShell module versions to `` (PowerShell#10356) - Add throwing an error in `Add-Type` if a type with the same name already exists (PowerShell#9609) (Thanks @iSazonov!) * Code Cleanup - Convert `ActionPreference.Suspend` enumeration value into a non-supported, reserved state, and remove restriction on using `ActionPreference.Ignore` in preference variables (PowerShell#10317) (Thanks @KirkMunro!) - Replace `ArrayList` with `List<T>` to get more readable and reliable code without changing functionality (PowerShell#10333) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Make code style fixes to `TestConnectionCommand` (PowerShell#10439) (Thanks @vexx32!) - Cleanup `AutomationEngine` and remove extra `SetSessionStateDrive` method call (PowerShell#10416) (Thanks @iSazonov!) - Rename default `ParameterSetName` back to `Delimiter` for `ConvertTo-Csv` and `ConvertFrom-Csv` (PowerShell#10425) * Tools - Update `install-powershell.ps1` to check for already installed daily build (PowerShell#10489) * Tests - Add experimental check to `ForEach-Object -Parallel` tests (PowerShell#10354) (Thanks @KirkMunro!) - Update tests for Alpine validation (PowerShell#10428) * Build and Packaging Improvements - Bump `PowerShellGet` version from `2.2` to `2.2.1` (PowerShell#10382) - Bump `PackageManagement` version from `1.4.3` to `1.4.4` (PowerShell#10383) - Update `README.md` and `metadata.json` for `7.0.0-preview.4` (Internal 10011) - Upgrade `.Net Core 3.0` version from `Preview 9` to `RC1` (PowerShell#10552) (Thanks @bergmeister!) - Fix `ExperimentalFeature` list generation (Internal 9996) - Bump `PSReadLine` version from `2.0.0-beta4` to `2.0.0-beta5` (PowerShell#10536) - Fix release build script to set release tag - Update version of `Microsoft.PowerShell.Native` to `7.0.0-preview.2` (PowerShell#10519) - Upgrade to `Netcoreapp3.0 preview9` (PowerShell#10484) (Thanks @bergmeister!) - Make sure the daily coordinated build, knows it is a daily build (PowerShell#10464) - Update the combined package build to release the daily builds (PowerShell#10449) - Remove appveyor reference (PowerShell#10445) (Thanks @RDIL!) - Bump `NJsonSchema` version from `10.0.22` to `10.0.23` (PowerShell#10421) - Remove the deletion of `linux-x64` build folder because some dependencies for Alpine need it (PowerShell#10407) * Documentation and Help Content - Update `README.md` and metadata for `v6.1.6` and `v6.2.3` releases (PowerShell#10523) - Fix a typo in `README.md` (PowerShell#10465) (Thanks @vedhasp!) - Add a reference to `PSKoans` module to Learning Resources documentation (PowerShell#10369) (Thanks @vexx32!) - Update `README.md` and `metadata.json` for `7.0.0-preview.3` (PowerShell#10393)
** v6.2.3 - 09/12/2019 *** Engine Updates and Fixes - Fix debugger performance regression in system lock down mode (PowerShell#10269) *** Tests - Remove `markdownlint` tests due to security issues (PowerShell#10163) *** Build and Packaging Improvements - Update DotNet SDK and runtime framework version (Internal 9946) - Fix macOS build break (PowerShell#10207)