Created by: Brad Voris
Red Team Reconnaissance Tool for Windows systems
Red Team Recon is a red team tool to be run on Windows Systems for reconnaissance gathering
This tool will require escalated privileges
To be used for demonstration purposes only
RedTeamRecon will gather the following information:
Hostname, OS information, BIOS, physical hardware, recent hotfixes, local users and groups, local privilege information, complete network information (interfaces, IP v4/v6 stack, routes, active connections) WiFi profiles (profile name, SSID, Connection, Encryption, Pre-Shared Keys), Current running Processes, writable directory information, local firewall profiles, local share information, any locally stored clear-text credential strings.
***Updated 1/25/2022 with cmdkey /savecred /list /pass
How to use RedTeamRecon
Download the recon.txt file to the local machine
Rename the file to recon.bat and run with escalated privilege command prompt
If file cannot be loaded as a batch file:
Open a Command Prompt
Go to the file location
type cmd < recon.txt
Once the file has been executed a new file will be created at c:\TMP\systemdata.cfg with detailed host information.
c:\TMP\systemdata.cfg will contain the all of the information from the recon.
Special thanks to 0xsp & Morph3Sec for syntax and recommended commandlines for reconnaissance