Functions and Rmarkdowns for QC and analysis of scATAC-seq data.
This package can be installed from Github using the remotes
You may first need to register your GitHub PAT, as this is a private repository.
Sys.setenv(GITHUB_PAT = "your-access-token-here")
To run tests for this package, download the repository from Github and run remotes::test()
in R from the base directory of the package.
Extra-stringent, CRAN-level package testing can be performed using remotes::check()
in R.
This package aims to conform to the tidyverse style guide:
General information about R package conventions can be found in R Packages
Format Arc data: 00_run_arc_formatting.R
Preprocess scATAC Data:
Analyze scATAC Quality: 02_run_crossplatform_atac_qc.R
Filter fragments based on QC:
Postprocess scATAC Data:
Generate output files: 05_run_assemble_atac_outputs.R
The scATAC-seq pipeline proceeds through 3 main stages:
- QC
- Filter
- Output
This repository requires multiple libraries are installed via apt-get
sudo apt-get install -y\
pandoc \
libhdf5-devel \
libxt-dev \
libcairo2-dev \
tabix \
bedtools \
SAMTools and BCFTools are also required for BAM and Tabix processing:
tar -xf samtools-1.12.tar.bz2
cd samtools-1.12
./configure --prefix=/usr/bin/
make install
cd ../
tar -xf bcftools-1.12.tar.bz2
cd bcftools-1.12
./configure --prefix=/usr/bin/
make install
It also depends on several R libraries:
, rmarkdown
and optparse
are available from CRAN, and can be installed in R using:
Install with:
Sys.setenv(GITHUB_PAT = "[your_PAT_here]")
is a key component for doublet detection and .arrow file generation:
repos = BiocManager::repositories())
Prior to running processing of ATAC or RNA data from cellranger-arc
output, run 00_run_arc_formatting.R
to add a common UUID and restructure the metadata files from arc for downstream processing. This ensures that we don't end up with different UUIDs assigned in the RNA and ATAC arms of the pipeline. After this step, cellranger-arc
outputs are compatible with all downstream steps.
There are three parameters for this script:
: path to cellranger-arc outs/- '-d': Sample ID
: path for the HTML output generated by the script
An example run is:
Rscript --vanilla ${baseDir}/scripts/00_run_arc_formatting.R \
-t outs/ \
-d ${SampleID} \
-o arc_formatting_report.html
This script outputs .csv files to the outs/ directory for downstream processing:
- arc_singlecell.csv: Arc version of the standard 10x ATAC singlecell.csv output
- atac_summary.csv: Arc version of the standard 10x ATAC summary.csv output
- rna_summary.csv: Arc version of the standard 10x RNA metrics_summary.csv
This repository utilizes bedtools
and GNU parallel
to compute overlaps between fragments and reference datasets. It requires the fragments.tsv.gz
and singlecell.csv
files generated by cellranger-atac count
as inputs, and generates multiple tsv files with overlap counts and sparse matrix data for each reference.
There are 9 parameters for preprocessing:
Path to bedtools binary location-g
Genome (hg19 or hg38)-i
Input fragments.tsv.gz-j
N Parallel Jobs-o
Output Directory-q
Generate QC files only (usually TRUE)-s
Input singlecell.csv-t
Temporary Directory-w
Sample ID
An example run is:
bash ${baseDir}/scripts/ \
-b /shared/apps/bedtools2/bin/bedtools \
-i SampleID/outs/fragments.tsv.gz \
-g hg38 \
-j 16 \
-o SampleID/preprocessed \
-s SampleID/outs/singlecell.csv \
-t atac_preprocessing_temp \
-w SampleID
For outputs, files are prefixed with the SampleID provided as the -w
The following are generated with -q TRUE
is used:
- Reference Peaks total counts: [SampleID]_peaks_total_counts.tsv.gz
- TSS Region total counts: [SampleID]_tss_total_counts.tsv.gz
- Gene Bodies total counts: [SampleID]_gene_bodies_total_counts.tsv.gz
- 5kb Window counts: [SampleID]_window_5k_counts.tsv.gz
- UMI count frequencies (saturation curve): [SampleID]_saturation_curve.tsv.gz
- Fragment width counts: [SampleID]_fragment_widths.tsv.gz
Additional outputs are also generated using -q FALSE
- Reference Peaks sparse matrix: [SampleID]_peaks_sparse_matrix.tsv.gz
- TSS Region sparse matrix: [SampleID]_tss_sparse_matrix.tsv.gz
- Gene Bodies sparse matrix: [SampleID]_gene_bodies_sparse_matrix.tsv.gz
After preprocessing, the resulting files can be analyzed along many quality metrics, perform sequencing saturation projection, remove doublets, generate .h5 for specified references and genomic window sizes, and generate an .arrow file for downstream processing.
There are 10 parameters for this script:
-p or --in_pre
: The path to the preprocessed directory generated by step 01 (parameter -o), above.-t or --in_tenx
: The path to the cellranger-atac outs/-k or --in_key
: The path to SampleSheet.csv-s or --in_sample
: SampleID`-g or --genome
: Either hg38 or hg19. Optional - defaults to hg38.
-q or --qc_only
: Generate QC files only (usually TRUE)
-r or --references
: (optional) Eitherall
(default) or a comma-separated combination ofgene_bodies,great,grr,peaks,tss
.-x or --window_sizes
: (optional) eitherall
(default) or a comma-separated combination ofwindow_5k,window_20k,window_100k
.-d or --out_dir
: A directory to use to output the modified .h5 and JSON metrics-o or --out_html
: A filename to use to output the HTML summary report file
An example run for all references and window sizes is:
Rscript --vanilla \
${baseDir}/scripts/02_run_crossplatform_atac_qc.R \
-p SampleID/preprocessed \
-t tenx_out/outs/ \
-k SampleSheet.csv \
-w SampleID \
-g hg38 \
-q TRUE \
-d atac_qc/ \
-o atac_qc/SampleID_qc_report.html
An example run for a subset of references and window sizes is:
Rscript --vanilla \
${baseDir}/scripts/02_run_crossplatform_atac_qc.R \
-p SampleID/preprocessed \
-t tenx_out/outs/ \
-k SampleSheet.csv \
-w SampleID \
-g hg38 \
-q TRUE \
-r gene_bodies \
-x window_5k \
-d atac_qc/ \
-o atac_qc/SampleID_qc_report.html
Output files will be prefixed with the PoolID and SampleID supplied in SampleSheet.csv.
Files generated when q TRUE
is used are:
- All barcode metadata: [SampleID]_all_metadata.csv.gz, e.g. SampleID_all_metadata.csv.gz
- QC filtered barcode metadata:[SampleID]_filtered_metadata.csv.gz, e.g. SampleID_filtered_metadata.csv.gz
- Saturation projection: [SampleID]_saturation_projection.csv.gz, e.g. SampleID_saturation_projection.csv.gz
- Fragment width summary: [SampleID]_fragment_width_summary.csv.gz, e.g. SampleID_fragment_width_summary.csv.gz
- JSON file: [SampleID]_atac_qc_metrics.json, e.g. SampleID_atac_qc_metrics.json
Additional outputs are also generated using -q FALSE
- ArchR .arrow file: [SampleID]_archr.arrow, e.g. SampleID.arrow
- Gene TSS .h5 file: [SampleID]_tss.h5, e.g. SampleID_tss.h5
- Gene Bodies .h5 file: [SampleID]_gene_bodies.h5, e.g. SampleID_gene_bodies.h5
- 5kb Window .h5 file: [SampleID]_window_5k.h5, e.g. SampleID_window_5k.h5
Test runs can be performed using datasets provided with the scATAC_Seq_Pipeline
package by excluding parameters other than -o
Rscript --vanilla \
tenx-atacseq-pipeline/02_run_tenx_atac_qc.R \
-o test_metadata_report.html
The 03_scatac_qc_script.R
wrapper script renders scatac_seq_qc_report_generator.Rmd
to create a QC report (html).
There are 8 parameters for this script:
-s or --in_sample
: SampleID-m or --in_method
: A ";"-delimited string of the data streams being processed enclosed in quotes, for example "scatac"scatac
(single cell ATAC)
-i or --in_dir
: The input directory containing all results files to process. Must include one subdirectory per modality named inin_method
above. An example file tree can be seen in the image below, but the required files per subdirectory are as follows:scatac
: Contains the following sample level files generated by02_run_crossplatform_atac_qc.R
, one file per sample. Metadata for all cell barcodes.filtered_metadata.csv.gz
, one file per sample. Metadata for all cell barcodes passing ATAC QC filters.fragment_width_summary.csv.gz
, one file per sample. Fragment width count summary.saturation_projection.csv.gz
, one file per sample. Fragment saturation curve projections.
-k or --in_key
: A 6-column .csv Sample Sheet (see format below) of identifiers for all samples in the batch.-d or --out_dir
: A directory path to use to output the batch report.-o or --out_html
: A filename to use to output the HTML summary report file. For example "SampleID_atac_qcreport.html"
Test runs may be performed by supplying only the -b and -o arguments, as seen in test below.
requires a Sample Sheet, provided as the -k parameter.
For example a run may look like this:
Sample sheets should be provided for each dataset.
An example run:
Rscript --vanilla \
${baseDir}/scripts/03_scatac_qc_script.R \
-s SampleID \
-m 'scatac' \
-i ${baseDir}/results/SampleID \
-k samplesheet \
-d ${baseDir}/results/atac_qc \
-o ${baseDir}/results/atac_qc/SampleID_atac_qcreport.html \
will generate the HTML reporting file with name as defined by inut parameter -o. In addition the
After QC, we can filter the fragments.tsv.gz file to retain only cell barcodes that pass QC criteria. This reduces the amount of data that goes forward into postprocessing and output.
There are 6 parameters for this script:
: fragments.tsv.gz file from cellranger-atac outs/-m
: filtered_metadata.csv.gz file generated in the previous step-j
: N Parallel Jobs-o
: Path to an output directory-t
: Path to a temporary directory-s
: The sample name, e.g. [SampleID]
An example run is:
bash ${baseDir}/scripts/ \
-i tenx_out/outs/fragments.tsv.gz \
-m atac_qc/SampleID_filtered_metadata.csv.gz \
-j 16 \
-o atac_qc/ \
-t filtering_temp/ \
-s SampleID
1 filtered fragments.tsg.gz file will be generated. This file will be prefixed with the sample name supplied using the -s parameter:
- Filtered fragments.tsv.gz: [SampleID]_filtered_fragments.tsv.gz, e.g. SampleID_filtered_fragments.tsv.gz
This filtered file is compressed using bgzip
for compatibility with tabix
This script is similar to preprocessing, but generates a full complement of files for outputs, not just those needed for QC. It utilizes filtered fragments and metadata per sample from 04_fragment_filtering and 02_run_crossplatform_atac_qc.
There are 8 parameters for postprocessing:
Path to bedtools binary location-g
Genome (hg19 or hg38)-i
Input filtered_fragments.tsv.gz-j
N Parallel Jobs-m
Input filtered_metadata.csv.gz-o
Output Directory-t
Temporary Directory-s
An example is:
bash ${baseDir}/scripts/ \
-b /shared/apps/bedtools2/bin/bedtools \
-i ${baseDir}/results/SampleID/atac_qc/SampleID_filtered_fragments.tsv.gz \
-g hg38 \
-j 16 \
-m ${baseDir}/results/SampleID/atac_qc/SampleID_filtered_metadata.tsv.gz
-o SampleID/postprocessed \
-t atac_postprocessing_temp \
-s SampleID
For outputs, files are prefixed with the Sample ID provided as the -w
- Reference Peaks total counts: [SampleID]_peaks_total_counts.tsv.gz
- TSS Region total counts: [SampleID]_tss_total_counts.tsv.gz
- Gene Bodies total counts: [SampleID]_gene_bodies_total_counts.tsv.gz
- 5kb Window counts: [SampleID]_window_5k_counts.tsv.gz
- UMI count frequencies (saturation curve): [SampleID]_saturation_curve.tsv.gz
- Fragment width counts: [SampleID]_fragment_widths.tsv.gz
- Reference Peaks sparse matrix: [SampleID]_peaks_sparse_matrix.tsv.gz
- TSS Region sparse matrix: [SampleID]_tss_sparse_matrix.tsv.gz
- Gene Bodies sparse matrix: [SampleID]_gene_bodies_sparse_matrix.tsv.gz
After postprocessing, the resulting files can be assembled into a set of output files for storage and downstream analysis.
There are 8 parameters (6 required) for this script:
-p or --in_post
: The path to the postprocessed directory generated by step 05 , above.-f or --in_frag
: The path to the filtered_fragments.tsv.gz file-m or --in_meta
: The path to the filtered_metadata.csv.gz file-g or --genome
: Either hg38 or hg19. Optional - defaults to hg38.- (optional)
-r or --references
: Eitherall
(default) or a comma-separated combination ofgene_bodies,great,grr,peaks,tss
. - (optional)
-x or --window_sizes
: Eitherall
(default) or a comma-separated combination ofwindow_5k,window_20k,window_100k
. - (optional)
-n or --n_cores
: Eitherauto
(default) or an integer specifying the number of system cores to use for parallel processing. -d or --out_dir
: A directory to use to output the modified .h5 and JSON metrics-o or --out_html
: A filename to use to output the HTML summary report file
An example run foris:
Rscript --vanilla \
tenx-atacseq-pipeline/06_run_assemble_atac_outputs.R \
-p SampleID/postprocessed \
-f SampleID/out/SampleID_filtered_fragments.tsv.gz \
-m SampleID/atac_qc/SampleID_filtered_metadata.csv.gz \
-g hg38 \
-d atac_out/ \
-o atac_out/SampleID_qc_report.html
An example run:
Rscript --vanilla
-p SampleID/postprocessed
-f atac_frag_merged/SampleID_fragments.tsv.gz
-m atac_meta_merged/SampleID_metadata.csv.gz
-g hg38
-d SampleID/atac_out/
-o SampleID/atac_out/SampleID_out_report.html
Output files will be assigned the same prefix used for the postprocessing step, above (auto-detected from filenames).
Files generated when q TRUE
is used are:
- QC filtered barcode metadata: [SampleID]_filtered_metadata.csv.gz, e.g. SampleID_filtered_metadata.csv.gz
- Saturation projection: [SampleID]_saturation_projection.csv.gz, e.g. SampleID_saturation_projection.csv.gz
- Fragment width summary: [SampleID]_fragment_width_summary.csv.gz, e.g. SampleID_fragment_width_summary.csv.gz
- JSON file: [SampleID]_atac_qc_metrics.json, e.g. SampleID_atac_qc_metrics.json
- ArchR .arrow file: [SampleID]_archr.arrow, e.g. SampleID.arrow
- Gene TSS .h5 file: [SampleID]_tss.h5, e.g. SampleID_tss.h5
- Gene Bodies .h5 file: [SampleID]_gene_bodies.h5, e.g. SampleID_gene_bodies.h5
- 5kb Window .h5 file: [SampleID]_window_5k.h5, e.g. SampleID_window_5k.h5