A website for a creative agency. Includes team management, portfolio management and contact form (powered by MailGun).
- Log in to Cosmic JS.
- Create a Bucket.
- Go to Your Bucket > Apps.
- Install the Creative Agency App.
- Edit the MailChimp List URL Metafield to point to your MailChimp List. (see below)
- Deploy your Email Capture App to the Cosmic App Server at Your Bucket > Web Hosting.
git clone https://github.com/cosmicjs/creative-agency
cd creative-agency
yarn start
COSMIC_BUCKET=your-bucket-slug yarn start
Open http://localhost:3000.
Because Node.js doesn't have a mail server, the contact form uses MailGun to send emails.
- Go to MailGun and login to your account or setup a new account.
- Get your api key and domain.
- To configure your deployed application, add your domain and api key to your environment variables (MAILGUN_DOMAIN, MAILGUN_KEY) located in Your Bucket > Web Hosting > Environment Variables, or hard code them into
(not advised).