In memory of Hasanga Somaratne - Brilliant engineer, caring brother, and most excellent friend. This project is dedicated to you
Dronesym is a platform enabling users to handle and track their drone fleets in real time. Users can have functionality to add new drones configure their flight paths and monitor their progress through a web dashboard.
- Install Node.js 6.x (or higher)
- Python version 2.7
- After cloning the repo navigate to
folder - Run
npm install
to pull the dependencies - Create a firebase admin sdk private key following the instructions found here:
- In
file provide the path to your firebase key file and the database url - Import the database with
mongorestore --db dronesym dronedb/dronesym
- Run
npm start
to start the Node server
- After cloning the repo, navigate to the folder dronesym-python
- Run
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
to pull the dependencies - Navigate to
folder - Run
to start the Flask server Note: Node server should be running when starting up the Flask server
Make sure that you have Node6.x or higher version installed
Install AngularCLI
$ npm install -g @angular/cli
Set environmental variable in ./dronesym-frontend/src/environments/environment.ts
nodeApiURL: 'http://localhost:3000/dronesym/api/node',
feedURL: 'http://localhost:3000/feed'
Note: Dronesym Node server (./dronesym-node/
) and DroneSym Flask server (./dronesym-python/flask-api/src
) should be running before starting the frontend server_
Starting the Angular2 development server
$ npm install
$ ng serve
username: admin
password: admin
username: icarus
password: icarus
Checkout to docker branch
$ git checkout docker
Navigate to the root folder
$ docker-compose up