This project was the final project completed by me and my colleagues at the dev-academy bootcamp. I pitched the idea of the game as a multiplayer quiz game to be played on mobile devices. I acted as product owner for our team of 4. It was great to see the project come to life in a week and I learned a lot by having to manage other people as well as do the tasks I set myself. Have a look at the code, visit the website at and have fun!
- React
- Redux
- Express
- Knex.js (SQL)
- Sockets
- I want to be able to play the game on my phone
- I want to be able to play the game in a group
- I want to be able to read the instructions of the game
- I want to be able to create a group
- I want to be able to join a group
- I want to be able to see the names of everyone who has joined before we start the game
- I want to see a matching question and answer on my screen
- I want to be able to see if my answer was right or wrong
- I want to be able to end/leave the game
- I want the captain of the team to be able to start a new game when everyone is ready
- I want the game to be a fun and hectic quiz game
- I want to see a random question and a random answer on my screen
- I want to make the users wait for everyone to amswer to go to the result screen
- I want there to be protection against duplicate team and user names
- When the game is completed, I want to see the overall results for the team
- I want there to be a timer that limits how long I have to answer the question
- Wait for timer or all player answers to be in before displaying results
- Splash screens: Question and Result
- I want to be able to play multiple rounds
- I want to see what round we are on during each round of the game
- I want the captain of the team to be able to start a new round when everyone is ready
- I want time to depend on the number of players
- Results shown in pie chart
- Randomly generate team names
- Timer is represented by colour/shape change
- I want to see a leaderboard
- I want to choose how many rounds I can play
- Delete users after a certain time
- Handle user disconnects
number | name | purpose |
-1 | Instructions | Paragraph showing instructions. "Start Game" button |
0 | Welcome | App loads at this page. Displays app name. "How to Play" and "Start Game" buttons |
1 | SetupGame | 2 inputs: teamname, username. 2 buttons: "Create Team", "Join Team" |
2 | Lobby | Displays names of everyone who has joined the game. Captain has "Start Game" button |
' | QuestionSplash | Displays "First Question" etc, times out after 1 second |
3 | Game | Random question at top of screen. Random answers at bottom of screen. Timer displaying count down. Number displaying the round count |
' | ResultSplash | Displays "Results are in!", times out after 1 second |
4 | Results | Question at top of screen, answer (correct/incorrect) at bottom of screen. Captain has "Next Question" button |
5 | GameEnd | Displays percentage and proportion of questions that were answered correctly. Captain has "Start New Game" button |
name | purpose |
pageNumber | Stores info about which view/page to display |
questions | Stores an array of available questions |
teamPlayers | Stores the list of team members in the game |
player | Stores info about the current player |
teamName | Stores the name of the current team |
score | Stores info about current score (e.g. 5/10) |
playerResponses | Stores players answers |
(roundCount) | Stores which round the team is on |
Method | Endpoint | Usage | Response |
Get | /api/v1/users/:team | Get users by team name (ensure no double up of name display users in lobby) | An array of users |
Post | /api/v1/users/:team | Create user and team | --- |
Get | /api/v1/questions/:number | Get a specified number of questions | An Array of questions |
Column Name | Data Type |
id | Integer |
name | String |
team | String |
captain | Bool |
date_created | Date |
Column Name | Data Type |
id | Integer |
question | String |
correct_answer | String |
incorrect_answer_1 | String |
incorrect_answer_2 | String |
incorrect_answer_3 | String |