Hyprlua aims to end my frustration with configuring Hyprland using its configuration file. @vaxerski already said on ISSUE-6168 there's 0 reason to have it on Hyprland core so here we go...
This project currently supports only the features I use from Hyprland, suggestions and contributions are highly enouraged. Right now is needed to run hyprlua binary every time you change the config file. For the future it will be loaded as a plugin, I'm still preparing my mind to go back to cpp...
- Binds
- General config
- Monitors
- Workspaces (supported currently by monitors)
- Decoration
- Blur
- Workspaces (full support)
- Submaps in binds
- Startup scripts
- Exec-once
- Inputs
- Touchpad
- Touchdevice
- Tablet
- Gestures
- Group
- Groupbar
- Misc
- Cursor
Install hyprlua via luarocks
luarocks install hyprlua
Create a hyprland.lua file on Hyprland directory (usually ~/.config/hypr
hyprlua.binds.set("SUPER SHIFT", "h", "resizeactive", "-50 0", { flags = "e" })
hyprlua.binds.set("SUPER SHIFT", "j", "resizeactive", "0 50", { flags = "e" })
hyprlua.binds.set("SUPER SHIFT", "k", "resizeactive", "0 -50", { flags = "e" })
hyprlua.binds.set("SUPER SHIFT", "l", "resizeactive", "50 0", { flags = "e" })
It will generate a hyprland.conf
config {
allow_tearing = false
border_size = 1
col.active_border = 0xffffffff
col.inactive_border = 0xff444444
col.nogroup_border = 0xffffaaff
col.nogroup_border_active = 0xffff00ff
extend_border_grab_area = 15
gaps_in = 5
gaps_out = 20
gaps_workspaces = 0
hover_icon_on_border = true
layout = dwindle
no_border_on_floating = false
no_focus_fallback = false
resize_corner = 0
resize_on_border = false
# Keybindings
binde = SUPER SHIFT, h, resizeactive, -50 0
binde = SUPER SHIFT, j, resizeactive, 0 50
binde = SUPER SHIFT, k, resizeactive, 0 -50
binde = SUPER SHIFT, l, resizeactive, 50 0
Run hyprlua in the config dir
You can also chose a file and an output dir
hyprlua -c ~/.config/hypr/hyprland.lua -o ~/.config/hypr/hyprland.conf