This repository contains my personal shell configuration settings and scripts.
- ZSH configuration using Sheldon plugin manager
- Syntax highlighting and auto-suggestions
- Git integration and useful aliases
- SSH agent with Apple keychain integration
- Node.js version management with NVM
- Project environment management with direnv
- Homebrew update checker
- Modern ZSH setup with completion
- Custom aliases for improved productivity
- Consistent styling and prompt with Powerlevel10k
- Git aliases and shortcuts
- Improved Git command output
Helper scripts are available in the bin
- Update Homebrew interactively
- Git utilities
- And more
# Tap the repository
brew tap cajias/homebrew-tools
# Install the shell settings
brew install cajias/homebrew-tools/shell-settings
# Follow the instructions printed after installation
Clone this repository and source the initialization script in your .zshrc
git clone ~/.shell-settings
echo 'source ~/.shell-settings/init.zsh' >> ~/.zshrc
This repository is configured with GitHub Actions to automatically update the Homebrew formula when changes are pushed to the main branch.
To set up the automatic updates workflow:
- Go to your GitHub repository settings
- Navigate to "Secrets and variables" > "Actions"
- Create a new repository secret:
- Name:
- Value: A GitHub personal access token with
scope that has write access to your homebrew-tools repository
- Name:
This token allows the GitHub Actions workflow to push updates to your Homebrew tap repository.