ESP-Ardunio-Utils is a general utilities library for ESP32 projects using the Arduino framework. It provides ready-to-use wrapper classes for managing WiFi.h, PubSubCLient for MQTT communication, Time.h for time synchronization, telemetry data collection and a logger with circular buffer implementation.
- Singleton pattern for global access
- Multiple log levels (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR)
- Thread-safe logging operations
- Support for custom log callbacks
- Optional serial output
- Circular buffer for storing recent log entries
- Ability to retrieve logs as formatted strings or JSON
- Can either peak at a log, or grab it and flush.
- Wrapper for WiFi.h library
- Connection management, static IP configuration, hostname setting, local network discovery via mDNS
- Automatic reconnection using FreeRTOS tasks
- Wrapper fir PubSubClient
- Secure MQTT connections with TLS support
- Automatic reconnection to MQTT broker
- Message publishing, topic subscription management
- Offline message buffering and retransmission
- Thread-safe operations using FreeRTOS primitives
- Time.h Wrapper Class
- NTP time synchronization, configurable with NTP server, GMT offset and DST.
- Periodic time resynchronization
- ArduinoOTA library wrapper Class
- Provides a single line OTA update configuration.
- Automated collection of system metrics (Free heap, WiFi signal, uptime, CPU temp)
- Customizable data points
- Periodic publishing of telemetry data over MQTT
- JSON formatting of telemetry data
- FreeRTOS task monitoring (stack usage, etc.)
- Configurable metrics (enable/disable specific data points)
Add the following line to your platformio.ini file:
lib_deps =
PlatformIO will automatically install the library and its dependencies.
#include <ESPLibrary.h>
// Get a reference to the logger instance
Logger& logger = Logger::instance();
ESPTimeSetup timeSetup("", 0, 3600);
ESPMQTTManager mqttManager(mqttConfig);
ESPTelemetry espTelemetry(mqttManager, "plant-friend/telemetry");
OTAManager otaManager;
void setup() {
//call the logger
logger.log("Main", Logger::Level::INFO, "Starting application...");
void loop() {
More examples can be found in repo: plant-friend
- Implement configurable buffer sizes.
- Add timestamp information to log entries.
- Implement log rotation or file-based logging for persistence.
- Use compile-time configuration for system-specific optimizations.
- Consider using a more type-safe formatting library.
- Optimize memory usage for callbacks and observers.
- Add utility methods for logging exceptions and stack traces.
- Swap to a more modern MQTT client with MQTT5 support.
- Add support for MQTT will messages.
- Consider adding message persistence across power cycles or crashes.
- Evaluate and improve scalability for large number of topics or high message throughput.
- Consider using a state machines approch for wifi and mqtt conenctions.