This app allows user registration and transactions. Parents sign up first, then kids can use a parent's e-mail to sign up. Please read "How to use" for a bit more information.
- npm install sails -g (if sails is not already installed)
- npm install (installs all necessary node_modules)
- run mySql server on localhost
- node create_db.js (creates finnest_db for application, only need to run once)
- sails lift (run application -> localhost:1337)
- also have bank_api running (see below!!!)
We have another app, BANK_API, simulate/pretend to be the bank API. This needs to be run at the same time as the finnest app.
- "Open Tab" in the same terminal as the Finnest App to create a new terminal tab.
- npm install
- make sure mySql server is still running.
- node create_bank_db.js
- sails lift (localhost:3000) <-- You can open it in a browser, but it's meant as debugging tool, and is only meant for eyes of developers.
When you're on the finnest app (localhost:1337) and registering users, there are a few guidelines. Because in reality a bank API would have to "talk" to our app, we've made a specific family that finnest can register. The names of the family members that can be registered are listed below. As for transactions, everything is quite intuitive and working.
- Parent. Homer (first name), Simpson (last name). E-mail: [email protected]
- Parent. Marge (first name), Simpson (last name). E-mail: [email protected]
- Child. Lisa (first name), Simpson (last name). E-mail: [email protected]
- Child. Bart (first name), Simpson (last name). E-mail: [email protected]
- Child. Maggie (first name), Simpson (last name). E-mail: [email protected]
Sails JS - the MVC used.
- Joseph Yoo
- Caleb Kim
- Xuan Cui
- Matthew Liu