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XLS Exporter for TYPO3

Export complex data to Excel sheets

What does it do?

This extension helps to export complex data from TYPO3 into spreadsheets.

How does it work?

This extension provides a new backend module for exporting complex data into spreadsheets.

In the default setup the table tt_address can be exported out of the box.


The module can be configured by TSconfig. The following snippet has to be added to your PageTS configuration.

This is the Default Setting:

module.tx_xlsexport {
    settings {
        exports {
            # name in settings, could be everything
            tt_address {
                # label shown in bakcned module
                label = Addresses
                # counter for selected records to export. String with SQL query
                check = SELECT count(*) FROM tt_address where pid=%d and hidden=0 and deleted=0
                # export query
                export (
                    select uid,first_name,middle_name,last_name,address,building,room,city,zip,region,country,phone,fax,email,www,title,company  from tt_address where pid=%d and deleted=0 and hidden=0
                # list query, currently unused
                list (
                    select uid,first_name,last_name from tt_address where pid=%d and deleted=0 and hidden=0
                # SQL table name
                table = tt_address
                # field names from SQL query for export
                exportfields {
                    10 = uid
                    20 = first_name
                    30 = middle_name
                    40 = last_name
                    50 = address
                    60 = building
                    70 = room
                    80 = city
                    90 = zip
                    100 = region
                    110 = country
                    120 = phone
                    130 = fax
                    140 = email
                    150 = www
                    160 = title
                    170 = company
                # labels for export field columns, numbers must match with fields in exportfields
                exportfieldnames {
                    10 = lfd. Nummer
                    20 = Vorname
                    30 = Mittelname
                    40 = Nachname
                    50 = Adresse
                    60 = Gebäude
                    70 = Raum
                    80 = Stadt
                    90 = PLZ
                    100 = Region
                    110 = Land
                    120 = Telefon
                    130 = Fax
                    140 = E-Mail
                    150 = Web
                    160 = Titel
                    170 = Firma

which you can either override, or extend in this fashion:

module.tx_xlsexport {
    settings {
        export {
            myExport {
                # [...]

Relations can be done by joins inside the select statements


  • add Events/Signalslots for datamanipulation
  • add support for multiple sheets
  • documentation
  • localization

FUTURE: (hit me up if you are willing to help funding)

  • support TCA for complex data structures
  • update backend module to fit TYPO3 styles