It is a project created for Camilo Barbosa to create a strong web!
using for backend: Express js
Nodejs 18
clone this repo:
$git clone
Install node modules
$npm i -g ts-node
$npm i
Generate .env
$npm run env:generate
- Back-end:
- Express - Front-end:
- React
$npx sequelize-cli db:migrate
- dev mode:
$npm run start:dev
- run server in typescript:
npm run run:ts
- run server in javascript:
npm run run
- front-end transpialte:
npx webpack
- build a dist in transpilate to javascript:
$npm run build
- Backend
- Configuration
- Models & DAOS
- Services & DTOS
- Gates
- Controllers
- Requests
- Validations
- Routes
- Middlewares
- Api
- Web
$ npm run make:model
- ex:
$ npm run make:model Post description=string
. Create only a Model
- ex:
$ npm run make:dto
- ex:
$ npm run make:dto Post description=string
. Create only a DTO
- ex:
$ npm run make:resource
- ex:
$ npm run make:resource Post title=string
. Create all resourcesPost
- ex: