Welcome to the Social Media API! This API has been developed to create interactive platform which establishes social networking and ensures social interaction on basic level.
- Initially registration and authentication are required to get access to all the features.
- Authenticated users can follow other users, create and retrieve posts, reacting to them by likes and comments, and conduct necessary social media actions.
- Users are allowed to update and delete only their own posts.
- Users are able to manage only their own posts and comments.
- Searching option applicable to users is their last name as distinctive attribute. Searching options applicable to posts are hashtag, title and author's last name.
- Hashtags are overarching relevant criteria which enable users to categorize and organize posts.
- Users can schedule posts for future publication.
- Additionally users can upload images to their profiles and to their posts.
Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/callogan/social-media-api
cd social-media-api
The main branch is considered as the most sustainable branch, therefore it is recommended to work from it.
If you intend to run the application locally, follow the next steps:
Create the virtual environment:
python -m venv venv
Activate the virtual environment:
On Windows:
On macOS and Linux:
source venv/bin/activate
Install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Copy this file ".env.sample" and rename it to ".env", then fill in the actual values for your local environment.
Apply the migrations:
python manage.py migrate
In order to run the development server, use the following command:
python manage.py runserver
- You might as well run the application via the Docker. For this purpose make certain the Docker is installed on your computer and follow the next steps:
- Fill the actual data for ".env" file (as was mentioned above).
- Build the Docker image and start the containers for the application and the database:
docker-compose up --build
Access the application in your web browser at http://localhost:8000.
- Django REST Framework This is the toolbox for designing Web APIs, providing features such as serialization, authentication, API views and viewsets to streamline the development of RESTful services in Django applications.
- Celery This is the system to operate task queue with focus on real-time processing and option to schedule tasks.
- Redis This is a source available, im-memory storage, used as distributed, in-memory key-value database, cache and message broker.
- Docker This is open source containerization platform that enables developers to package applications into containers, simplifying the process of building, running, managing and distributing applications throughout different execution environments.
- PostgreSQL This is a powerful, open source object-relational database management system.
- Swagger This is open source suite of tools to generate API documentation.
Authentication of users is incorporated with means of JSON Web Tokens.
Copyright (c) 2024 Ruslan Kazmiryk